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Soojin wasn't blind, as much as she didn't wanted to say it out loud and feed the basketball player's ego, she was more than aware of how beautiful Shuhua is, with the pale skin and attractive eyes, fitting the korean beauty standard despite being foreign, and how she always got people's attention on her thanks to that; But that didn't make it any less annoying to walk around and having girls and boys pass by them with their eyes fixed on the taiwanese girl who didn't seem bothered at all as she looks around this new place they've walked in. 

"This place is huge, what do you even do here?" Shuhua asked as they walked into the bar area and ordered some drinks, Shuhua still looking around amazed by everything, meanwhile Soojin looked at Shuhua with a smile in her face; For a moment all the cheerleader could see was the cute 16 year old girl who had a strong accent and followed Minnie around instead of the cocky captain of the basketball team that had girls all over her. 

what changed? ' She wondered for a second before the waiter came with their drinks, watermelon juice for the both of them, Shuhua enjoyed her drink as they walked around the place while Soojin looked at the younger. 

"Oh, unnie, where do we go now?" She asked and it took Soojin some time to register what Shuhua said as her mind was too focused on how she was called unnie again; It's the expected from someone younger but coming from Shuhua it felt different somehow. 

Different, but not bad. It felt oddly good , But she couldn't tell why and there's something in the back of her head saying that she should know.

Soojin took Shuhua by her hand as she guided her around the place,  They end playing billiards after Shuhua saw the pool table and asked to play, Soojin couldn't stop smiling at her excitement, she was like a kid and it was the first time she wasn't using all her energy to overwork herself so the older end up doing whatever she wanted.

"Oh! You're good!" Shuhua said as she watched Soojin play, her own hands awkwardly holding the cue stick as she watched the other girl move around, standing next to her. "I never played this-"

Soojin gasps, faking surprise. "You're telling me you're not good at everything ?" She mocked while the younger rolled her eyes and frowned, looking at the pool table again before she felt Soojin's hands on her hips. 


"Just lean in, I'll help you dumbass" She replied, but the younger could feel a new type of warmth in her words as she smiles at Soojin before looking forward again and doing what she said; She was her friend now, Soojin of all people and of course, as they kept playing, it was no surprise when Soojin eventually won much to Shuhua's annoyance, always the sore loser; So the older was more than willing to make fun of the younger's pout. 

"You can't win every game-"

"Yeah, Yeah. Wait until I get better and I'll win against you" 

"You're so competitive" Soojin playfully slapped her shoulder and Shuhua ended up laughing before playing the serious role again, mumbling something about how she was great at games which had Soojin rolling her eyes. "Okay so what about we move on to something else?" That caught Shuhua's attention.

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