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"You know I get worried about you," Miyeon said, sitting by Shuhua's side who was avoiding looking at the older girl and instead focused on pretending she was reading her book.

Miyeon had cornered her in the library, a genius move according to Shuhua, a quiet place where the younger couldn't scream in frustration and escape the older's affection without getting a lecture from every single nerd and bookworm in the room; So she had no other choice but to stay put and listen to whatever the other had to say, But she gets the feeling Miyeon was planning to nag her, She knew the older has good intentions, of all people Shuhua had ever met Miyeon was one of the few she was sure that didn't have a single malicious bone inside of her, she was made of rainbows and sunshine for all Shuhua knew; She believed that was why Minnie fell in love with her.

'She's such an angel' were the Thai's exact words, her eyes focused on Miyeon like the older had put some kind of spell on her. Truly gross , they are too lovey for the younger's taste; Like a couple forever stuck in the honeymoon phase.

"I'm fine, stop asking" Shuhua then replied, flipping the pages and hoping she would stop asking questions, she wasn't the type to open up that easily about her feelings no matter how much others insisted, she's the type to keep it all in for as long as she can.

It's why she has a diary in the first place, to have a place to pour it all out.

"I just wanna know if everything is okay" She pats the younger's hair who sighs but doesn't stop her for once. "Is someone giving you a hard time again? I can lecture them if you want!"

Shuhua can't stop herself from chuckling. Now that's something she would like to see, softie Cho Miyeon trying to intimidate someone into leaving her alone.

"Miyeon, nobody is giving me a hard time, and if there was I'm old enough to defend myself" Shuhua put the book down, knowing that Miyeon would not leave her alone until she was sure everything was okay. "I'm just stressed with school, that's all"

"You should rest more then" The older said, then she smiled, not the usual smile that made Shuhua look away from how sweet it was, it was a teasing kind of smile that had the younger arching an eyebrow. It was too mischevious for sweet Miyeon, like she was planning something. "With Soojin..."

"Soojin?" She asked, confused how this has anything to do with Soojin. "What does that mean?"

"It means she-"

They then hear a known voice, in a whisper. "Hey ladies"

It's Minnie; She leans between their chairs and gives Miyeon a kiss, while Shuhua moves to the other chair to stay away from the couple.

"No respect for the singles I see," Minnie laughs, before sitting down on the chair that Shuhua was previously sitting on, throwing herself on the table as she yawns."I thought you had class right now"

"I ran away to spend time with my favorite girl" She sent a flying kiss to Miyeon who smiles, cheeks turning pink. "And Speaking of my favorite girl..." She turns to Shuhua who was staring at her with her arms crossed as if expecting to hear something she didn't like. "How's Soojin?"

Shuhua frowned. "How is "favorite girl" and "Soojin" related?"

"Just answer the question," Minnie said. "Everything good with the play?"

"Yes, Actually" Shuhua replied, and both girls smiled at how excited she looked again. "We didn't know how to do the sound effects but Seonho told me he would help me with that, that was very nice of him"

Minnie chuckles. "Of course he did"

"What?" Shuhua frowned, once again they were being weird, this time it was Minnie instead of Miyeon.

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