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Seoul, South Korea.

Soojin liked to think she was a logical person and that her feelings had little influence on the things she does, that was the case until of course she had met Shuhua; The girl managed to make her do impulsive things, being it fueled by anger but also because she's so hopelessly in love with her to the point that the cold winds of winter felt even colder now that she was away, suddenly she missed the feeling of walking down the streets with her arms locked around the younger's arm.

Like right now, as she walked around the store picking ingredients for the dinner she would cook to eat all by herself since her parents would spend all night away and her sister would just stay at her boyfriend’s place; She knew if Shuhua was there she would nag her about buying snacks instead of actual food, and probably would convince Soojin of doing that; She also knew that the younger would make sure to walk her home like the protective person she is.

Just thinking about her now makes Soojin smile before she touches the baseball cap that the younger had left behind, she didn’t want her smell to go away but also knew Shuhua wanted her to wear it, and she found some comfort knowing that when Shuhua is back she would enjoy her smell up close again; She looked at the shelf as she decides what to buy only to have an idea and quickly pick her phone from her pocket and quickly send Shuhua a text.


Hey, It’s me

I need your help


Something happened!? I can beat up someone for you if you need! Just give me a name


No silly, It’s nothing about that.

Soojin kept herself from laughing at the younger’s reaction before she took her phone and pointed the camera towards the shelf to take a picture just to send it to Shuhua.


What should I cook for dinner?


Seaweed Soup!


Sweetie, You’re so obvious…


and what’s wrong with that? also, buy it quickly! so you can go home early; I don’t want you on the streets at night without me there to protect you.


My white knight in shining armour

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