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Shuhua didn't see herself as a workaholic. 

She was hardworking.

But sometimes she goes overboard or so is what others say, Shuhua doesn't see it. If there's work to be done, she'll do it no matter what and doesn't get how that's a flaw.

"You look like shit" Yuqi said as Shuhua came out of the house, tying her hair.

"Good morning to you as well, thank you for declaring your love for me so early, in the morning. " Shuhua replied right away while Yuqi laughed, both making their way to school. "I couldn't sleep last night. I had nightmares"

"Oh… You wanna talk about them?" Yuqi asked.

"Don't worry, It was just trivial stuff." She quickly said, not wanting Yuqi to be worried."I kept dreaming about someone wanting to dye my hair. It was very stressful" She whines.

Yuqi had to laugh at that. "It's not that bad"

"Ok, soon-to-be bald"

"Hey, I've only dyed my hair once!" The other complained and then quietly gasped. "Remember when Minnie-Unnie dyed her hair?" 

Shuhua frowns. "Those were dark times indeed"

"Oh my god, you're so dramatic. Pink hair was her color" 

"It was." Shuhua agreed, she did look good, fit her bubbly personality and she totally stood out in the sea of students but the younger still preferred the natural hair color. "She looked cool."

"Oh she looked cool , But if I do it, it's cute" Yuqi complained and Shuhua giggled, hands in her pockets. "That's some double standard"

Then the younger thought of something. "You think Miyeon will make anything for this year's halloween? Like she did last year when we met" 

"Miyeon-Unnie said something about it to me" Yuqi kicks some pebbles out of her way as they walk. "I think she plans to just get us to hang out at her house instead of an actual huge party."


"Because you got wasted last time and she's worried about it" Yuqi stated the obvious and Shuhua rolled her eyes."You know she likes to take care of you"

“Well, she shouldn’t. I’m not a child” Shuhua complained before yawning, Yuqi pulled her close. “I’m still sleepy!” She complained while Yuqi patted her shoulder. 

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