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Sometimes Yuqi would be creeped out by how quiet the Yeh household was, The only thing she could hear was the faint noise of Shuhua’s mother humming in the kitchen as she makes dinner for the two girls while her father was locked up in his office, nose buried into his paperwork; Too focused on his work to care for anything else, the few times Yuqi saw him, behind his desk, she couldn’t help but notice how Shuhua looks a lot like him, with that focused look in her eyes when she does anything, always trying to achieve perfection. 

Sometimes Yuqi thinks nothing can ever satisfy Shuhua.

“What are you doing?” She asked as soon as they entered the taiwanese’s room and the younger one made her way to her desk and started to take her notebook out of her backpack, quickly writing something on it. 

"I had some ideas for the play, so I better start working on it" 

"I thought we were going to have fun" Yuqi grabbed her shoulders, trying not to think how she had caught Mrs.Yeh and her husband in this same position when she was younger, back when the woman had to drag him out of his office so he wouldn't miss Shuhua's birthday. "Why don't you take a break?"

Shuhua sighs. "But I-"

"The preparations only began, you don't have a deadline you know?" Yuqi could be loud and crazy at school but in those moments, she had to be the mature one so Shuhua doesn't go overboard. "So no need to hush"

"Fine… Fine, What do you wanna do?" 

"Let's play games" 


"You loved to play games!" Yuqi complained, moving to sit on the bed and Shuhua followed, sitting next to her. "Heck, you even would call me and make me come here to play with you"

"Ah that was before, is boring now"

"Boring she says!" Yuqi complained and Shuhua rolled her eyes while smiling before turning on the console so they both could play.

Meanwhile on the other side of the city there was Soojin, in her pink pajamas with cherry patterns, all comfortable in bed as she texted the girls, legs kicking against the mattress. 

Then she got notified that Miyeon added her to a group chat with Soyeon. 

Miyeon :



What now?


Ok, clearly is something she doesn't want the other three to know. What is it?

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