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"This is the second time this week you're here" Shuhua heard the nurse say when she woke up, still dizzy and confused and soon enough there were four people hovering over her with worried faces, she felt Minnie's hand playing with her hand gently. 

"What happened?"

"You passed out while playing," Minnie said, and Shuhua groaned, starting to remember what happened. 

"Are you okay?" She heard Soyeon ask, hand caressing her face. "We ran here right away after some kids from the book club were yelling that you died" She added and Shuhua laughed at that.

"Ah, I gotta love their dedication to lie," Shuhua said, noticing Yuqi holding her hand. "Please tell me you didn't believe I actually died"

"I panicked!" Yuqi said, slapping her hand. 

"I'm ill! don't assault me!" Shuhua complained and then looked around. "Where is Miyeon and Soojin?" She finally asked and they weren't around.

"Soojin went to get some water and took Miyeon with her so she would stop sobbing all over you" Yuqi said. "If I didn't think you were dead before, I would when I walked in and saw the way she was holding you" 

"I felt like watching a drama," Soyeon added as Yuqi laughed.

"She's so dramatic-"

"Hey! She was really worried about you" Minnie said.

As if they were summoned, Both Miyeon and Soojin walked in and as soon as the elder saw that their youngest was awake, she quickly made her way to Shuhua, sitting on the bed and hugging the girl who started to complain right away.

"Shushu! You're okay!!"

"Miyeon! Not in front of the nurse" The younger said, glancing at the woman shaking her head as she reads her magazine. "You're embarrassing me- AH!" She squeals as the other girl starts to kiss her face. 

Minnie laughs at the scene, arms crossed and all, then she looks at Soojin who was still by the door, staring at the whole thing with her usual poker face, far different from the panic in her eyes as she held Shuhua in her arms and calling her name before picking her up and taking her to the infirmary. She supposed that the cheerleader was still a bit shaken up by what happened. 

"Minnie-unnie, Please control your girlfriend!" Shuhua said as Miyeon hugged her tight, not letting the girl move properly; Miyeon only squeezed her more and Shuhua grunts, knowing she won't let go so soon. 

"I called your dad," Yuqi said, holding Shuhua's hand tighter. "He should be here in a few minutes"

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