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"Soojin, let's go! we're going to get late!" Soyeon yelled from inside her car, Yuqi sitting next to her, as she pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head and watched as her friend showed up by the window. "Don't you wanna go wait for your girlfriend at the airport?" She asked which made Yuqi laugh besides her at her teasing. 

"You can go ahead, I'll finish getting ready" Soojin said, not wanting to admit she was struggling to pick an outfit that would impress the taiwanesse. "Minnie-Unnie will take me there" She added before going back inside and looking at the clothes in the bed. "Now, which one do I pick?" Her phone vibrated and she quickly picked it up.


I'm on my way there. 


Alright. Minnie-Unnie will take me. 

As soon as she replied another text, from Minnie. 


Please tell me you're ready.


I'm picking a pretty outfit, leave me be!


Oh my god you're just like Miyeon. 

Shuhua won't mind your clothes, I swear.

unless you wear something too short then she might pull your ear or something

Just get ready quickly!



After lots of thinking and her sister knocking on the door telling her to hurry up already, the girl had finally picked her clothes, but thanks to the cold Shuhua wouldn't be able to appreciate the black dress with cherries on it that she thought that was cute because of her long trench coat wrapped tightly around her body but hopefully they would be able to hang out on Minnie's place later, even if she needed to insist for the younger to do that; She found Minnie inside her own car, talking to Miyeon about something but then stopping once she noticed Soojin coming out of the house with quick steps.

“Woah, I wonder if she wants to impress someone” The older joked once Soojin got into the car.

“Yeah, because Shuhua gonna look at my pink boots and think ‘woah, I have to date her’” Soojin replied as she rolled her eyes and Miyeon giggled before closing her eyes, sleepy. “Well, someone is tired” She added once she noticed Miyeon trying to nap. Minnie chuckles.

“We had a busy night, that’s all” The older said before starting to drive. “So she’s really tired, but I bet once she sees Shuhua she’ll have more than enough energy to attack her” They both laugh.

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