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"How could you betray me like this?!" Miyeon asks, staring at Minnie in pure disbelief, one hand over her chest as she stared at her girlfriend, Minnie tried to speak but was interrupted "And with Shuhua of all people! You know how I consider her our first child!" 

"I couldn't help it!" Minnie said.

"It was just a one time thing, get over it" Shuhua said from her seat. "Also I'm not your child. We talked about this" 

"Get over it?! After you two break my heart like this?!"

Soojin stares at the scene in confusion as she sits down by the table and leans towards Yuqi and Soyeon in silence before asking.

"What's going on?" 

Soyeon stares at the blonde. "Minnie and Shuhua killed Miyeon on Among Us"


They watched as Minnie was showering a grumpy Miyeon with kisses as she apologized for "killing" her after saying she, and Shuhua, was innocent; As for Shuhua, the girl was reading something in a paper, so focused she didn't even bothered making her daily mean comments to Soojin when she sit down to eat together and so the table was unusually quiet, ignoring the lovey dovey couple near them.

"Can you two stop?" Yuqi asks, Looking at Miyeon and Minnie "We're trying to eat"

"You guys have no respect for our love" Minnie said, still hugging Miyeon who has her arm wrapped around the girl's shoulder. "You'll be just like us when you start dating"

"Ha!" Soojin laughs "I doubt I'll be like Miyeon" She said, noticing how the older looks offended "You can't have a conversation without finding a way to shove Minnie's name in it" She accused "I don't see myself doing that at all" 

"Someone will need to deal with your terrible personality if they want to date you" Shuhua comments without moving her eyes from what she's reading. "I seriously pity whoever decides they want you of all people to be their girlfriend"

"I pity the person who has to smell your hair everyday" Soojin said back, but the girl didn't reply and so the cheerleader frowned at the silence "Hey!"

"Huh?" Shuhua looks up "You said something?"

That annoyed her even more than if she had said another snarky comeback, Soojin believes that the girl had to be doing that on purpose, she wasn't going to believe those big eyes filled with fake innocence. 

"What are you reading?" Yuqi asks before Soojin can say anything. 

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