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She was late that one morning.

Shuhua wasn't the type to wake up late but that morning her alarm just decided to have a 20 minutes delay for some odd reason; It never did that but it decided to that one specific morning; It was still Winter, the streets still covered in snow and ice is what kept the taiwanesse from sprinting her way to school, and as punishment for not waking up early on her own her father had refuse to give her a ride, something about being responsible along a lecture, as she prepared her backpack in a hurry, about how she should leave a good impression at school. 

It was possible that she didn't hear half of what he was saying, but she'll worry about that later; Thankfully there was nothing too important in the first classes, but she still wanted to make sure to get in time, or at least 5 minutes later. No more than that; She made sure to send a congratulation text to Minnie as soon as she got into the school's parking lot, the coach was going to pick a new captain for the basketball team and rumours pointed to Minnie as the best pick and Shuhua had to agree there was nobody better than her. Who else would be a good captain?

As she made her way inside the building, she was relieved to realize that she wasn’t the only one late, a few students also were quickly making their way inside as the snowflakes started to drop outside, a good thing about those winters days was definitely how they could easily use it as a excuse to arrive later than normal, as well as blame the sudden lazy mood on the cold weather, Shuhua wasn’t one of those students, but Yuqi and Minnie were; Those two were always up to arrive later or skip classes if given the chance.

Shuhua quickly walked in the hallways, still texting on her phone and not paying attention to what, or in this case who, was right in front of her until she ended up bumping into someone who quickly held her arm to prevent her from stumbling back. 

“Oh, I’m sorry!” She heard the other said and looked up to meet the worried gaze from the other girl. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, I am,” Shuhua replied as the older girl released her arm. “I’m sorry for bumping into you” She quickly apologized as she bows. “I should watch where I’m going” 

“It’s okay, don’t worry”

Shuhua’s following words were cut by the sudden appearance of Minnie behind this girl, smiling brightly once she spotted her younger friend, not really paying attention to who she was talking to.

“There you are! The teacher almost marked you as absent but I told him you got some ‘girl problems’ to deal with and you know how he gets all whiny about that kind of stuff-” She never saw Minnie shut up as quick as she did when she saw who was with Shuhua; The younger frowned as she notices the way the thai was suddenly nervous and she was questioning if she was blushing or not. "Miyeon-Unnie, hi!" 

Did her voice just crack? Shuhua thought as she looked from one girl to another, confused by the sudden change of mood. 

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