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"It's you"

The room is filled with complete silence as Shuhua felt Soojin frozen against her arms, probably processing her words inside her head until she slowly moved away to look into the taiwaneses's eyes in absolute confusion which made the other smile because even then Soojin looked adorable and Shuhua wanted to squeeze her cheeks and attack her with kisses but she managed to stop herself. 


"I said-"

"I heard what you said but-" She paused for a second. "I can't believe it," She said. "How?"

"Well, you were always nice to me when I arrived at school and even if we didn't talk much I always thought you were really beautiful" 

"Then why did you act like you hated me?" The older asked, absolutely confused, even more than before; All she wanted is for things to make sense.

"I wanted to get your attention, plus you never really reacted when I was being nice" Soojin blinked, taking those words in. "We only managed to get closer when I tricked you into joining the school play" 

The school play... Soojin thinks back of this specific moment they had in the auditorium a few months ago.


Shuhua laughs as she shakes her head, back turned to Soojin now. "You think I'm stupid"

"Sometimes, yeah; But not right now"

"You just want to narrow down the list of potential girls I might like so you can find out who I'm in love with" Shuhua replied, now turning to Soojin. "But I just know the one I want isn't even in the list"


Soojin wondered if that was what she meant, she never included herself as one of the girls Shuhua could be into, the idea never really crossed her mind; But before she could think of anything she also remembered Shuhua's words from before.


"Would you really help me get together with my crush?" Shuhua asked, suddenly and Soojin felt like she almost tripped on thin air by this question; Especially how calm Shuhua sounds. 

Soojin pulls her scarf down so she can talk properly. "I mean… Yeah-"

"She has a boyfriend," Shuhua added. "Are you going to help me to break them up?"


That didn't added up to the story at all, and she looked at the taiwanesse with a frown.

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