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Soojin never saw Shuhua so furious in those 2 years of knowing the younger girl.

Everything started when the volleyball team and the basketball team decided to have a friendly match since both of their practices were cancelled on that cold day and some of them didn’t had any classes after that; Soojin was dragged by Miyeon to see their match, since her own practices was also canceled because they had to do it outside and it seems the sky was about to fall on them from so much rain.

Even Yuqi, that wasn’t much into the sport, was playing after Shuhua realized they needed another teammate on their side and so the chinese girl was a bit forced by her friend to play, but it didn’t take much for Shuhua to convince her either way, all the girl did was promise Yuqi something and there was Yuqi wearing Shuhua’s headband, as she can’t wear the team’s uniform, inside her tracksuit that always looks so much bigger than hers. Soojin couldn’t help but think how adorable she looks despite always trying to look tough.

Soojin realized, as she watched them play, that Shuhua and Minnie worked really well together and that explained all the victories they got for the team for the past games they were in, the captain and her co-captain really were a golden duo for sure, but anyone there could tell Minnie wasn’t in a good day that morning and maybe playing wasn’t a good idea.

Miyeon was reaching for something in her bag when it all happened, and Soojin was thankful that she didn’t see that scene; One of the girls from the volleyball team tried to make a pass, and Soojin gave her the benefit of the doubt and hoped she didn’t mean any harm however, as she pushed Minnie out of the way, sending her to the ground and Soojin hopes she’s going to forget the painful scream and the sound she heard once her knee hit the ground; Of course the sudden noise made Miyeon look up right away, recognizing the voice and she panicked right away once she saw her girlfriend on the floor, both girls quickly standing up and running towards her.

She never saw Minnie cry before, but there she was with her cheeks wet from the tears and Soojin didn't really know what to do, she could only vaguely remember telling Yuqi to call a teacher, and as she watched the younger nod, still a bit startled before running out, she heard Shuhua's voice, loud and clear, but this time she was furious.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She never heard her swear before either, So Soojin was a bit caught off guard by that. "There was no need to push her like that!"

"It was an accident"


Soojin quickly stood up as she noticed Shuhua making her way towards the other girl, afraid she would try to pick an actual fight when they should be focusing on Minnie right now.

"Hey, Hey! Calm down" Soojin wrapped her arms around Shuhua's waist and shoulders to keep her from trying anything while the volleyball team did the same with the other girl, taking her away so everyone could calm down. "Can we please focus on Minnie?" Soojin said, still holding Shuhua who was so red that the cheerleader thought she was about to explode.

The younger took a deep breath before roughly pushing Soojin's arms away from her, mumbling an irritated 'get off me' as she turned her attention to Minnie just in time for a teacher and the nurse to arrive and finally help the girl out.




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