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"Nooo!" Yuqi whined as soon as she saw Soojin approach their table which had the cheerleader freeze on the spot, confused by that reaction and wondering what was wrong only for Soyeon to poke her girlfriend as if to tell her to behave which didn't really work as the younger kept going. "Soojin-Unnie, we were supposed to match! Blonde Duo"

"Black Haired Duo!" Minnie then said, ignoring the chinese girl as she stood up from her seat and raised her hands for Soojin to high five which the cheerleader did, shy but still did it. "Actually... I kinda wanna dye mine again"

"Please don't. It's good the way it is" Shuhua then said, finally joining the conversation and as always being anti hair dye no matter what. "Also let your hair breath"

"The favoritism" Soojin heard Yuqi say as she sat by the table. "When I dyed my hair you told me you hoped I would go bald!" She accused, and Shuhua crossed her arms.

"That's because you only dyed your hair to impress-... S-Soyeon-Unnie '' Soojin squints her eyes at the hesitance of the younger's voice and the way she stutters, but any thoughts she had was interrupted by soyeon leaning closer to her girlfriend with a surprised yet worried look on her face.

"You dyed your hair because of me? you didn't have to," she said and Yuqi felt her cheeks starting to burn as she hid her face on her hands and ignored how the others started to giggle at her reaction. "I like you the way you are" That alone was enough to make Minnie and Miyeon go 'aww' as they leaned against each other and looked at the younger couple with a soft smile while Shuhua made a disgusted face.

"Wait until you see how she looks like when she wakes up"

"Yeh Shuhua!" Yuqi complained while the younger smirks, before dropping other embarrassing facts about her best friend, Knowing that Yuqi was starting to like Soyeon for real made it easier to tease Yuqi, because all she wanted was to Shuhua to stay quiet and don't say anything too embarrassing in front of her girlfriend which of course just encouraged Shuhua to do just that.

"Don't you sleep like an otter?" Soojin joined the teasing and watched as Yuqi looked at her in shock, and Minnie covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing as she also knew what that was about.

Soyeon, and Miyeon, was now even more confused.

"An otter?"

"Yeah, like-"

"No! Don't tell her that!"




Soojin stood alone by the locker room fixing her cheerleader uniform, people have been praising her new hair color all day and of course that made her really shy, never getting used to being the center of attention like this but it still felt good to know so many people liked the change.

But, of course, Part of Soojin was disappointed Shuhua had shown no reaction to her new hair color despite being the one who suggested for her to dye it back to black, her mind was telling her that maybe the younger didn't liked it at all but didn't want to say anything and offend Soojin, Maybe Shuhua doesn't even remember suggesting it to Soojin since she was so sleepy when the words escaped her lips; The girl sighs as she touches her hair now feeling insecurity growing inside of her, she should've stick with the blonde instead of trying to impress the taiwanesse who obviously couldn't care less about what she did to her appearance.

Then she felt hands on her hips and gasps, startled since she thought she was alone in the locker room but then she heard a quiet giggle at her reaction.

"Why are you thinking so loudly? I could hear you from the door" Shuhua asked, standing behind the cheerleader with a smile on her face, she was in a good mood that day and Soojin assumed it had something to do about how she spent so much time teasing Yuqi with Minnie. "Is everything ok?"

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