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The weeks have passed quicker than they could've expected, weather was colder than before and the streets were covered with snow so drivers had to be extra careful now, which also meant sometimes classes being cancelled due to the snow and that brings the current situation right now, One Seo Soojin in bed with her current crush, Yeh Shuhua who is sitting behind her as the cheerleader was sitting between her legs with her phone on her hands. 

They were at the Seo Household since Shuhua wanted some sense of privacity away from her mother, and Soojin's house always made her feel welcome no matter what and she enjoyed that, Mrs. Seo had a day off that day and had been nothing but kind to the taiwanesse. 

"Oh, Oh! You're in the open field" Shuhua exclaims to Soojin who looked back at her in confusion.

"That's a bad thing?" The older girl asked, looking back at the screen while Shuhua moved forward and rested her chin on her shoulder to watch properly.

"You don't have a bulletproof vest, keep crouching" She suggested and Soojin blushed once she felt the younger holding her hands to show her how. "Don't go near the gunshots"

"Right…" She started to move away while crouching. "Like this?"

"Yeah" Shuhua carressed her hair. "Good girl"

"What- Am I your dog now?" Soojin mumbled under her breath despite blushing at the praise; Shuhua didn't reply, but the older could hear her giggling behind her.

When Shuhua suggested them to play PUBG earlier, Soojin claimed it would be boring and how the game wasn't fun but right now she was on her third match and Shuhua watched with a smile at how passionate she was about the game and how frustrated she was about losing here and there, Shuhua wrapped her arms around Soojin's waist and kept on watching her play, giving tips here and there. 

"Geez, I'm glad this is muted," Shuhua said between giggles once she heard Soojin swearing because she died in the game. "I think a lot of 10 year olds would have like 20 brand new swear words added to their vocabulary" She joked, laughing harder when Soojin playfully hits her with her elbow. "Ouch, so mean-"

"This fucking-"


"Fine! This stupid guy shown up from nowawhere" Soojin mumbled, irritated and felt Shuhua laugh again as she buried her face on her hair to cover it up. "Don't laugh at me, it's frustrating!" 

"You'll get better, don't worry" Shuhua said, hugging her tighter and Soojin looked back at her, almost flinching at how close their faces were. "What?" The younger then asked once Soojin just looked at her in silence. "Did my beauty shock you, JinJin?" She then jokes before laughing. 

Yes, it did. ' Soojin wanted to say, but instead she leaned forward and pressed their foreheads as she looked into her eyes which made Shuhua stop laughing as she stared back and Soojin couldn't help but notice the way the younger licked her lips. 

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