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With Minnie's parents coming to spend the holidays with her that year, things have been pretty chaotic as the second eldest of the group was currently trying to make sure the house was in good conditions and leave no evidence of all the parties that had happened in the living room for the past years and so the whole group offered to help, especially Miyeon who wanted to make sure that the day she met Minnie's parents would go as smoothly as possible and without any chances of them getting upset at how the house looks like. 

"I'm nervous-" Miyeon started as she was carrying a box with stuff Minnie labelled as 'things to keep away from my brothers', Soyeon and Soojin didn't mind helping with cleaning and the two youngest were in charge of staying still and not touching anything after Yuqi almost broke another vase because she was two busy playing sword with the broom with Shuhua who was now nagging Soojin over her choice of shorts. "What if your parents don't like me?" She asked placing the box near the entrance while Minnie did the same with the one she was carrying. 

"Of course my parents will like you, Miyeon." Minnie reassured with a smile "I was nervous when I had to meet your parents and then turned out your parents loved me" 

"Miyeon's parents like anyone, that's not much of an achievement" Shuhua commented from the other side of the living room and then grunted when Soojin poked her stomach and told her to behave. "It's the truth, they're so chill that when Yuqi and I met them, Yuqi thought they were high" She claimed and Yuqi protested with a quick 'hey!' once she noticed Miyeon looking offended at her. 

According to Shuhua there was nothing that could ever upset Miyeon's parents, they were way too relaxed with life and had the aura of people who just didn't give a damn anymore and were just living their best life and several times Shuhua liked to say that Miyeon drained all of their energy after she was born and that's why they're like that, seeing her turning red and defend herself about this was always hilarious for the taiwanesse. 

"They really are… very calm," Soojin added, trying to sound more polite than the girl at her side despite Shuhua's giggle at her answer. "Like they're-"

"High, You can say it" Shuhua said as she pulled the girl closer by her waist and laughed as Soojin complained about how it's not what she meant before pushing the younger away. "Everyone here was a bit afraid of eating their brownies, we just didn't want to tell Miyeon" There's silence, especially as Miyeon looked at each one of them and gasped how they avoided eye contact, even Minnie.

Miyeon of course defended her parents, especially from Shuhua's accusations even if the youngest was only doing it to annoy her, it was clear from the way she was smiling and laughing, but thankfully Minnie and Soojin managed to keep them distracted before they kept on arguing; It was easy to change the subject once the second eldest quickly suggested they should do something about the backyard and the pool and so they quickly made their way there, there was still some mess from a party the girl had thrown a few months ago and still didn't had any will to clean up.

"How did this even get there?" Soojin asked, pointing at the pink flamingo toy hanging on top of the tree and then proceeding to try and put it down with a broom. "Your house is a mess, Minnie-Unnie" 

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