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It was chaos.

After some teachers heard Soojin and Shuhua loudly arguing inside the janitor's closet, they were released and without fail both girls were sent to the principal's office alongside their group of friends for locking up the girls in there and so they had to endure, in silence, a long speech about behaving properly for the following 20 minutes. 

The principal was more than familiar with the situation between Yeh Shuhua and Seo Soojin, having the girls inside his office wasn't surprising at all; It was a known fact both girls have been hating and fighting each other for the past 2 years and the school staff never once wished for two students to graduate as soon as possible as they did for Shuhua and Soojin, thinking the only way to have some peace and quiet would be for when they graduate.

After being told to leave by the principal, the group bowed before leaving in silence, which only lasted until they were in the empty hallway, Yuqi notices something about Soojin and smirks mischievously as the joke forms inside her head.

"Soojin unnie, You're limping" She pointed out and everyone looked at the older. "Damn Shuhua what did you do to her inside the janitor's closet-" 

"Shut up" Both girls said, annoyed.

"As if I would ever touch her" Shuhua said "I have a specific taste and she's not a part of the menu"

"Excuse me, you're the one who's not good enough for me" Soojin replied. "I usually date people that went through puberty!" 

And so they are fighting again and Miyeon, Minnie and Soyeon all slap Yuqi on the back of the head for teasing them into another argument that ruined their 5 seconds of peace. 

It wasn’t like Yuqi enjoyed seeing her friends fight, she just believed that their issues would only get resolved if they just confronted it head on, but now realizing that the only thing those two can do when near each other is just fight more and more until one of them, it’s usually Soojin, starts to throw things in rage so they eventually have to be kept apart from each other. 

Yuqi knew Shuhua since middle school and never in those years she ever saw her best friend get angry, if she did it was silent, cold and you could tell in her eyes when you did something that had angered her, and even then her words weren't loud, firm but she wasn't the type to raise her voice and making you feel bad. Yuqi always jokes that an upset Shuhua sounds like a disappointed father lecturing their child.

But that changed when it comes to Soojin, ever since their hatred for each other started, she saw a part of the girl she never saw before, one capable of yelling, provoking and mocking; There was just something that kept her from not reacting towards the cheerleader who, despite saying otherwise, would also start the arguments every time she saw the Basketball player. 

As for Soojin, when she wasn't around Shuhua, she was quiet, polite and for most people's surprise, the charismatic head cheerleader was quite shy. The type of girl who never raised her voice until of course, a certain taiwanese was involved.

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