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"What are you doing right now?" Shuhua asked, working on the letter for Soojin in one of the pages of her diary, but still focusing on whatever Soojin was doing or saying on the other side of their call. "That's a lot of noises"

"Right now? Getting ready to go to bed, I'm putting on my pajamas" The older replied and Shuhua took a second to process that sentence.

"Oh…" She paused for a second. "If I knew you're getting changed I would've made a video call instead-"

"Ah!!, Don't be a pervert!" Soojin complained, glad that the other wouldn't see how red she became and the younger laughed as she wrote a new sentence on the paper before she decided it was enough for the night and put it aside. "It's been a long and tiring day"

"You said you didn't do anything all day today," Shuhua replied, frowning as she stared at the ceiling.

"I didn't… But it was still tiring" Soojin replied, quickly getting into bed and covering herself. "Now what did you do today?"

"We walked around the city, trying to get used to all the changes, and so much really has changed. We had to use a map" Shuhua said. "By the way I've met my first love again, she still lives in front of our house. Isn't that cool?" She laughed. Part of her expected for that family to move out years ago but turned out she was wrong, maybe The Yeh isn't the only family who was way too attached to an old building.

"Is she pretty?" Soojin suddenly asked and Shuhua hummed, answering without thinking.

"Yes-" Then she realized what she just said. "I mean!- No! … I didn't notice." 

“Mhm.” Soojin mumbles. "You didn't notice that she was pretty, But you think it is cool that she still lives there?"

Shuhua could hear thousands of alarms ring inside her head warning her that she just stepped into an unknown and dangerous territory: Jealousy; She should choose her following words with care if she didn't want Soojin to misunderstand the situation and be mad at her. 

"I mean, It's cool because I thought they would be gone by now-"

"So you're happy you saw her again?"

She saw this situation before, a few months ago a girl from the volleyball team thought that the love note she received in her locker, from someone that was part of the basketball team, was actually from Minnie and thought she actually had a chance with her despite everyone knowing that Minnie wasn't available; No need to say Miyeon wasn't that happy about the situation and would constantly question Minnie about why said girl would think the note was from her of all people along other types of interrogations.

Back then, Shuhua took the blame and claimed the note was hers, which ended up being a win-win situation, She helped Minnie escape the situation and by the end of the day she ended up tasting that girl's watermelon gloss all afternoon inside the janitor's closet. Hopefully Soojin would never hear about this story either.

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