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As for Shuhua she walks around looking to the piece of paper in her hands and at the books on the shelf, frowning as she wasn't quite sure if she should be upset at the Korean language or Yuqi's ugly handwriting; The girl squeals once finds one of the books, and making sure it was the correct one. However it was too high up for her to reach, even on her tiptoes and she even tried jumping.

 "Do you need help?" She heard someone ask with a hand being gently placed on her shoulder; She turned around and saw the tall, black haired girl looking at her with a gentle smile, bangs almost covering her eyes.

 "I-...” Shuhua pauses for a second, taking in the fact that this girl was so pretty “Yes" She admitted and the other chuckles as she easily reached for the book. "Woah! you're tall!" She said and the other laughed as she handed her the book.

 "My name is Kim Minnie," The older said with the prettiest smile Shuhua had ever seen, especially the way her eyes squinted as she did it. "You're the new kid right? the one who walks around with the cute girl"

 "Yeah, That's Yuqi, My best friend!" The girl replied. "She's picking some books with me! But… Korean is hard" 

 "Oh, I can help if you want"

 "Oh, thank you so much! Kim Minnie- Unnie!" She said, feeling her heart racing faster as the seconds went by.

Is this what love at first sight feels like?




Minnie was just her style. She was calm and mature but also playful and cool, with an easy smile on her lips as she greeted everyone she saw on the school's hallway. Minnie was everyone's favorite unnie/noona and Shuhua could tell why everytime she looked at her. Minnie was smart and would always help her with her korean, reading along with her and stroking her hair with her hand softly as she praised her, which had Shuhua's heart almost bursting from happiness. 

"Those are for you" She managed to say despite her shyness as gave the older girl the cookies she baked for her with the help of the girls from the cooking club, which she had joined because her mother had said it was ladylike and boys like girls that can cook well.

But Shuhua didn't care about what boys liked, she wanted to be someone Minnie liked. 

"I baked them myself" Shuhua added, feeling her cheeks burn as Minnie looked at her with the sweetest smile as she took the cookies. "I hope you like it. It's a thank you for taking care of me, Unnie"

"Thank you!" Minnie replied, bowing to the younger. "You didn't have to" She said, undoing the ribbon on the plastic bag and taking one of the cookies so she could take a bite. "It's really good. Great Job, ShuShu" 

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