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Soojin refused to be the over jealous girlfriend of the relationship, her plan was to act mature and tell those irrational feelings that Shuhua was her own person and she was allowed to make new friends and spend time with them, and being jealous of it wasn't an option, it was something that could ruin things between them because It was one thing to be jealous of a stranger that you don't know, as you are not aware of their intentions and another is to be jealous of a friend; She knew she wouldn't like if Shuhua suddenly didn't wanted her to hang out with Soyeon anymore so she couldn't just tell her to not hang out with Tzuyu, especially when the poor girl was new and trying to make friends as well.

Plus, their trust is supposed to be mutual; Despite her jealousy, Shuhua had never said anything about her hanging out with Hui or tried to keep Soojin from being friends with him so why should she do the same? From what she had noticed, Tzuyu didn't even seem interested in Shuhua that way; So yeah, trying to be a mature person was what she was going for; The only obstacle was the cheerleader squad talking non-stop with their gossiping and planting those obnoxious seeds of doubts inside her head.

"I can't believe you just let her go out with another girl" She heard them say, disapproving. "You don't even know this Tzuyu girl"

"She's a very nice and polite girl" Soyeon said, trying to stop them from putting any wrong ideas inside Soojin's head who was just on her phone, trying to ignore their talk. "She just wants to make new friends." 

"Soojin, you two just started to date. You should be more territorial" The captain only shakes her head.

"If Shuhua wanna make new friends I won't stop her. Stop insisting" She replied, trying her best to not take the words at heart. 

"Come on, the girl only befriended Shuhua. That's a little suspicious"

"They're from the same country. It's normal" Soyeon argued and Soojin was thankful for that. "She also got along with Yuqi and you don't see me being paranoid about it"

"Yeah, But Yuqi isn't the one with the fame of-"

"Of what " Soojin asked, finally putting her phone down and glaring at the girls who became silent. "You already started speaking might as well finish it" She added, annoyed and Soyeon only shook her head before crossing her arms, because she knew about this too, and had already warned Soojin about Shuhua being popular with the girls, but things are different now that they're dating.

"Of going around with every single girl at school" Another one said and Soojin clenched her firsts. She was aware of that; She even witnessed Shuhua flirting with other girls or sneaking out with them at parties in the past. "You just think she's gonna change overnight?" 

"She did change. There's no secrets between us" Soojin replied, But her mind started to remind her of all the things she didn't know, things Shuhua didn't want to tell her; The lock in her diary came back into her mind again and she hated it, she stood up in silence before leaving the locker room.

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