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Then Miyeon glanced her way and quickly raised her arms. “You said no kissing, nothing about cuddling!” The older girl quickly defended herself and Minnie looked at her as well and smiled while Shuhua just rolled her eyes and looked out the window again.

She repressed the need to smile to herself as the sight of seeing the two of them being affectionate with each other didn’t make her upset anymore.

So this is what having moving on feels like, huh? She thought to herself, thinking back of Soojin again and feeling this warmth inside her heart that she usually only felt with Minnie back in the way, despite not wanting to be here at first, scared of what she might feel around them again. This was the confirmation she needed.

‘Minnie-Unnie, I have finally moved on from you’


With her earpods on and hands busy typing on her phone, Minnie made her way across the school's hallway, not really bothering to look around and at the people glancing and giggling until she finally noticed the crowd in front of the notice board. Hui was in front of it and the girl took off the airpods to understand what's going on. 

"Come on, Hui. It's just a peek" One of the boys from the swimming team said, his friends nodding along as they laughed. 

"I said no! Back off, This is not funny!" The boy replied, standing in the way to keep anybody else from looking, then his eyes went wide once he noticed Minnie approaching them.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Noona, I didn't know you're such a heartbreaker" Minnie heard one of them say and could only frown in confusion.

"What are you talking about-"

"Hey! Stop that!" Hui interrupted, after seeing Shuhua so upset over those pages he was currently trying his best to keep anybody else from reading them until he could take those down in peace, but some people had already taken pictures and passed around like some kind of sick joke.

"What is going on?" She asked Hui and then glanced at the notice board. "...What is that?" 


"Bullshit... Come on, let me see it-" Before he could do anything she had already pushed him to the side and looked at the pages on the notice board.

She could recognize Shuhua's handwriting everywhere, for a long time she had joked about how the taiwanesse had the straightest handwriting, so once she put her eyes on the diary pages spread all over the board, she felt her mouth dry as she read what was in there.

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