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Soojin woke up, about an hour later, alone in the bed and Shuhua nowhere to be found and the girl sat up on the bed as she looked around confused, wondering where the other went and so she quickly stood up, rubbing her eyes as she left the room looking for Shuhua around the maze that was Minnie’s house; She never understood the size of this place despite only one person living in it but according to Minnie, before her family moved back to thailand, this house was always full. 

As she made her way downstairs, hoping Shuhua was in the kitchen stealing some snacks from there, she froze once she walked past one of the doors and heard quiet sniffing; She wasn't one eavesdrop or anything but she could hear Shuhua on the otherwise and she got worried and gently knocked on the doors before entering and saw the younger quickly rub her eyes, getting rid of any evidence of her sadness. 

"Hey, are you okay?" It was a stupid question to ask, Soojin knows but she didn't wanted to force anything. She knew Shuhua was missing her parents. 

“I’m alright, just-” Shuhua looked around. “Minnie suggested for me to move over, better than live alone” She said pointing to her clothes on the bed, she was already unpacking. 

It made sense, plus she had the feeling Minnie didn’t like living all on her own that much and having Shuhua around would make her feel better too.

“Do you need any help?” Soojin asked, moving closer to the younger who just shakes her head in silence and Soojin bites her lip, she was used to cocky shuhua and angry shuhua, as much as flirty shuhua as well but this one, sad shuhua was new to her and she wasn’t quite well used to her enough to know how to behave or comfort her. “How about you go eat something? hm?”

“I just… want to be alone” Shuhua then said and Soojin tried to ignore the way her words sting; Before she can try and insist there’s a few knocks on the door and soon enough Minnie came in, with a plastic bag full of the junk food Shuhua liked and Soojin smiled, knowing she wasn’t the only one trying to find a way to comfort the taiwanesse.

"Hey, You're awake," Minnie said, to Soojin. "Can you help Miyeon in the kitchen? She insisted on cooking something for Shuhua and as much as I love her I don't trust her all alone in there" Soojin laughed at her honesty and Shuhua smiled, still focusing on unpacking. "I'm pretty sure Yuqi wanted to help too-"

"Ah, They're gonna set the kitchen on fire," Soojin said, worried before looking back at Shuhua and then at Minnie again; She decided to just go help Miyeon instead, there was still time today and Shuhua looked very distracted so things would work as she was planning. 

Still, as she walks out the room and closes the door, catching a glimpse of how Minnie pats Shuhua’s shoulder and the younger smiled, she tries not to feel bad about how the taiwanesse would rather be comforted by someone else than her. 

Once the girl was gone, Shuhua released a heavy sigh and Minnie looked at her, worried before making her sit on the bed and sitting next to her. 

"I got you some snacks," Minnie said, lifting the bag. "Chips, Chocolate bars and some cookies too. There's watermelon juice in the freezer if you want to" Shuhua could only smile at that. Minnie was a good friend. 

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