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October 20

Dear not-a-diary,

Today I have decided to move on, like Soojin told me.

But every time I look into her eyes, I can't stop my heart from beating so fast.

How can I stay away from-

"If you're gonna write on your diary make sure there's nobody around" Shuhua pulled the diary against her chest by instinct only to realize it was just Yuqi, standing behind her by the bleachers with her hands inside the pockets of the jacket of her tracksuit, as always looking very tiny inside of it. 

"Yuqi! You scared me!" 

"Why are you writing in the middle of the football field?" The chinese girl asked as she moved to sit next to her best friend who closed her diary and put it back into her bag.

"I just felt like it," The younger one said. "So how are things now that you're with handcuffs?" 

It's been weeks since Yuqi and Soyeon were dating now and the older has been the chinese girl's current priority, as it should be, so Shuhua barely saw her and let alone have a talk with her as she herself was busy. 

"Stop calling my relationship handcuffs, Soyeon is really nice" 

"Just nice?" Shuhua reached for Yuqi's neck, fingertips pressed against the skin as she spotted the faint bruise in there, the other seemed to notice what she was touching because her ears turned red as she smacked Shuhua's hands away as the younger smirks. "I think it is more than nice, " She teased.

"It's a perfectly normal thing between couples our age!" Yuqi defended herself, if her voice could go high pitched then it would right now by how defensive she was being and Shuhua couldn't hold back her laugh. "You're just jealous because you're single"

"I can get any girl I want; I just happen to not want any relationship"

"Maybe you should, It would be good for you" 

They heard noises and looked to the side, seeing the cheerleader squad walking in for their daily practice and Shuhua smirked as soon as she saw Soojin's bright smile as she talked to Soyeon turn into a frown as soon as she saw the taiwanese girl sitting there; Shuhua waved at the older and Yuqi chuckles behind her as she notices the provocation.

"Ah, I wanna say thank you to whoever invented miniskirts" Shuhua commented as the cheerleaders passed by with their uniforms; Yuqi slapped her shoulder.

"Hey! one of them is my girlfriend!" 

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