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"Shuhua is okay with you going out with Hui just like that?" Miyeon asked as she was laying on Soojin's bed and watching the younger walking around organizing her room for when Shuhua was back in a week. The whole scene was cute for Miyeon, who hoped they would be very happy if they decided to date each other.

"Of course she's not okay with it," Soojin said, rolling her eyes. "I can see in her eyes how she looks like she wants to behead Hui for existing near me, But she doesn't say anything because we trust each other" Soojin said with a satisfied nod. "She's proving to be very mature"

"I'm surprised," Miyeon said. "Yuqi and Minnie always said that she was the possessive type, you know, like those kids who try to bite your hand off when you touch their toys" Soojin laughed at the comparison. "When we ran into one of my exes once, Minnie was sulky all day long and I barely spoke with the guy and even informed she was my girlfriend right away" Miyeon added with a heavy sigh and Soojin giggled. 

Shuhua and Minnie definitely were in the opposite ends of the jealousy spectrum, while Minnie was sulky and grumpy, Shuhua was angry and will let you know what's bothering and part of Soojin is glad that jealousy is the type of feeling Shuhua was so bad at hiding despite her great acting skills; It made things feel real. 

"But tell me are you two going to date for real?" Miyeon asked. "Just so you know, Shuhua might not like it but she's my baby and I have to warn you to take care of her" 

Soojin rolled her eyes. "I don't think Shuhua will like knowing you're going around calling her your baby" 

"But she's so cute, like a baby! and don't change the subject, are you guys going to date or not?"

"We're getting to know each other more but… I have plans on having something serious, once she's back" Soojin blushed as she sat on the bed. "If she wants"

"I think she does," Miyeon smiled. "I think her supposed dislike towards you was just repressed love" Soojin giggled at that.

"I doubt it"

"But think how cute it is to say that to our future kids about how we met our loves at the same time in the same place" Miyeon sighed dreamily as she laid back on the bed and Soojin frowned.

"Future kids?! We're not even dating yet and you're already picturing my children with Shuhua?" 

"I like to think ahead"

Soojin laughed. "You're ridiculous, also technically we didn't meet them at the same time or same place, I've met Shuhua before you met Minnie" 

"Yeah, but it was in my party when we all became closer"

"No, you and minnie, yuqi and soyeon got close; I remember trying to speak with Shuhua but-" She frowns trying to remember that day, The younger was sulking somewhere drinking from a soda bottle and glared at Soojin once she saw her. "She was really irritated and I'm pretty sure she already disliked me back then"

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