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"This is Shuhua! My friend" The Thai smiled as she placed both of her hands on Shuhua's shoulders, who felt like a dog being used to get a beautiful girl's phone number at the park or something. 

Miyeon gave her a genuine, sweet smile and Shuhua smiled back, shy, before she looked at Minnie who looked mesmerized by the other girl and the sight was enough for Shuhua to feel her heart hurt before she looked at Miyeon again, looking at her up and down. Looking for what Miyeon had that she didn't. 

She was pretty. In a princess kind of way, like one of the actresses she saw in the korean dramas her mother has been watching nowadays; Miyeon was taller than her and Shuhua wondered if Minnie liked tall girls. 

"She's part of the basketball team!" Minnie said, suddenly and Shuhua just realized they were casually talking to each other while she was spacing out and turns out Minnie had a good time talking to Miyeon while using her as a topic for their conversation. "We both are actually"

"Minnie will be our next captain," Shuhua said, proud of the older girl who just chuckled and mumbled something about it not being 100% confirmed yet. 

"That's really cool," Miyeon said, Looking from Minnie to Shuhua. "You two look really talented"

Minnie blushed at the compliment. "T-Thank You" There was hesitance in her actions before she spoke up again. "uh, Unnie what about we go out-"

Shuhua quickly interrupted, knowing where this was going. "Minnie, we should go now. We'll be late" 

"Oh…" The thai looked at Shuhua and then back at Miyeon. "Oh yeah you're right. Sorry, Miyeon-Unnie. We have to go now" 

"It's ok. We can talk later" The girl replied before she turned to Shuhua. "It was nice meeting you, Shuhua" She said, with the same sweet smile and Shuhua fought the urge to frown. 

"Me too" She replied and as they quickly bow to each other, the duo leaves while Miyeon walks away; Once they're out of reach from the older girl, Minnie sighed loudly.

"Gosh! She's so pretty" She said and Shuhua nodded. She was and the younger hated it as much as the dreamy look in Minnie's eyes. "My hands are sweating!" She said, grabbing Shuhua's hands to show her. 

"I didn't think you liked her that much" The younger said. 

"Yeah, But she probably doesn't like me back" The girl said as they walked and Shuhua didn't reply this time.

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