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Shuhua held Minnie's arm tighter as they made their way across the sea of students, the younger looked nervous as it was her first christmas event at school, Only Minnie was available to stay with her but even then the taiwanesse was worried she was bothering the other girl; Minnie looked funny with her puffy green coat and beanie with reindeer horns attached to it meanwhile the taiwanesse was wearing a long black coat that had the thai chuckling because it looked far bigger than Shuhua's tiny body. No need to mention how Mrs. Yeh had decided to sew her initials inside of it just in case she lost it. 

"Stop asking if I'm having fun" Minnie said one more time as she looked at Shuhua. "We're friends. Of course I'm having fun with you" 

The other nodded even if she had her doubts, it was weird to think someone older than her would like being around her; They have met at the start of the year and Shuhua was still having a hard time believing someone besides Yuqi actually liked and wanted to be friends with her. 

"Let's go see Yuqi" Shuhua then said and Minnie nodded as she looked around a bit and saw Yuqi in the middle of the crowd. 

"Oh my god-"

"What?" Shuhua asked, too small to see above the crowd.

They walked a bit further, just enough for Shuhua to see Yuqi giving a polar bear plushie to a student while stuck on some ridiculous Olaf outfit. Minnie started to laugh while Shuhua covered her mouth to keep herself from bursting into laughter as well, however Minnie's laugh was enough to catch the chinese girl's attention and so once she noticed them Yuqi angrily stomped her foot on the floor.

"What are you two doing here?!" 

"Yuqi! Treat the customers well-" The girl behind the chinese girl warned and Yuqi groaned.

"They are not customers. They are here to annoy me" 

"You look so adorable," Minnie teased. "If i knew, Shuhua and I would've dressed up as Anna and Elsa" She said and Shuhua chuckled behind her hand. 

"Buy something or leave" It's all Yuqi said, crossing her arms. Sadly she was stuck with helping on the christmas event instead of hanging out with Shuhua and Minnie, on the bright side it was for charity so the embarrassment of wearing this outfit was worth it in the end.

"Fine, Fine-" Minnie said, reaching for her wallet inside her jacket meanwhile Shuhua just stared at her.

"I didn't bring any money"

"It's ok, I'll pay for you," Minnie said and before Shuhua could say anything, the older girl held her finger up. "Ah! no complaining. I'm your unnie."

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