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The locker room was a living hell once practice was over, the cheerleader squad wouldn't stop questioning Soojin about her unexpected love for Shuhua, how it happened and if they have done "it" already, the last one made Soojin blush like she never done before and she felt like screaming against her own hands and hoping to get away from there soon enough, but she did answer some of their questions while Soyeon watched everything with a playful smile, enjoying the situation a bit too much; Soojin thinks she should've seen that coming the moment she walked into school with Shuhua's arm around her shoulder, kissing her cheek. 

Now she had to endure the other girls squealing over how cute they looked and something about them looking like they came straight out of an Internet Novel , what did that mean? Soojin had no idea. 

She managed to avoid most of their embarrassing questions and mostly focused on simple things to answer like how everything happened even if Soojin herself wasn’t quite sure when she started to feel that way, she only remember realizing it one day and so having to deal with being in love with Shuhua, but when they asked her when Shuhua realized she for sure didn’t know how to answer, she didn’t know either. They never really spoke up about it.

The question did make her curious. When did Shuhua fall in love with her? was it during their times together in the auditorium? The days they went out together or was it on their phone calls late at night trying to keep each other awake; She was probably going to question her later, since right now she was trying to leave the locker room and ignore the girls trying to keep her there to ask even more embarrassing questions.

“This was way too embarrassing” She commented with Soyeon who laughed. “Why do they wanna know so many details?”

“Gossiping” The other replied. “I bet everything you said it’s gonna be known by the whole school tomorrow” Soojin groaned at the idea as she sent Shuhua another text, frowning as the younger wasn’t replying.

“Shu is not answering my texts” She said and Soyeon giggled.

“You two just started, don’t be so clingy”

“I’m not being clingy.” Soojin rolled her eyes. “I just know how she gets when she has to do stuff, she ignores everything else” She explained. “I bet she’s doing everything on her own in the auditorium instead of waiting for me to help”

Soyeon laughed. “You’re dating a workaholic. Get used to it” Soojin sighes, but knew Soyeon was right, when Shuhua put her mind on doing something it took a lot to convince her to stop or put her attention elsewhere. Hopefully it doesn't become an actual problem later on. 

"I just… need to figure out a way to make her" Soojin tries to think of a good word to use. "I don't know. Relax? Calm Down? Chill with her obsessions a bit?" 

"Relax is the best word," Soyeon said. "But right now you better worry up to get there before Shuhua decides to overwork even more”

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