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"So how was it like meeting the in-laws?" Yuqi mocked as she elbows Shuhua once they're sitting together on the couch in the living room of Soojin's house while the others are in the kitchen after explicitly banning them from coming in because they aren't to be trusted near a stove and so they are technically grounded from joining the others. "Did you promised you would take good care of Soojin-Unnie?"

"Shut up!" Shuhua pushed Yuqi who fell on the couch while laughing at her reaction, only for both of them to go quiet when they heard Soojin scolding them from the kitchen, telling the two of them to not break anything in her house so they quickly sat straight and tried to look as polite as possible. "Her parents are pretty nice, and her sister is… " Shuhua made a Ok sign with her hands, worrying Soojin might hear their conversation and make her way here to beat her up.

Yuqi laughs. "So I've heard, Miyeon-Unnie told me she was really pretty and I don't need to say Minnie wasn't that happy about that"  She then looks back to the entrance to make sure none of the others was near before she moved closer to Shuhua who arched an eyebrow. "So… What was the real reason for Soojin-Unnie's cold?"

"We just stayed outside talking for too long, Just like she said" Shuhua crossed her arms. "Why are you interrogating me?"

"I was just curious, something changed between you two," Yuqi said and Shuhua frowned. "Come on, you can't say you didn't notice"

"Of course I did, I was the one who started it" Shuhua replied as she rolled her eyes and ignored the way Yuqi dramatically gasped. 

"Are you being bold for once? Where's all that courage when-" she stops herself when Shuhua glared at her " …When you know who was single" She then added and Shuhua sighes.

"First of all, I just thought it would be better for the both of us to get along so we could work together better," Shuhua said, now avoiding looking at Yuqi. "Second of all, I have no second intentions with Soojin. She turned out to be a good friend and I like her just like that, as a friend"

"I dunno" Yuqi said right away, looking back again. "It looks to me like you're sending mixed signals… which you’re always the best at"

"Shut Up, Why don't you worry about your fake relationship?" Shuhua mumbled, starting to feel annoyed as she knew exactly what the chinese girl meant and hated every time she kept bringing it up; But then Yuqi goes silent and Shuhua looks at her again, worried she took her words to heart and not wanting her to be mad again. "Sorry-"

"Actually, I think…" There's a blush on her cheeks and in other situations Shuhua would've made fun of her but right now she looked really shy and the younger wanted to know why. "I think I'm starting to like her for real" Her voice comes out like a shy whisper and Shuhua looks at her, surprised. 

"Really?" Yuqi could only nod before looking away, not wanting to look at Shuhua's face at that moment. "Oh my god-"

"No, stop-"

"That is so-"

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