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"I thought you said you're strong" Shuhua said as she watched Soojin under the piano, it was her turn to try and open the fake bottom under it but right now the cheerleader had no success. "were you lying just to show off?"

"Shut the fuck up for five seconds" Soojin complained as she tries to open this damn thing. "How the fuck did they close this? with a spell?" She grunts, and Shuhua quickly placed her hand over the girl's skirt to keep it from moving too much as there's people around; With the scenario ready to go, all they needed right now was to worry about the costumes but their budget wasn't exactly big so a lot of people were stressed about it.

"Soojin, you're so useless" The girl heard Shuhua say behind her and quickly moved her leg to kick her. "Hey- ouch!" Shuhua whines. 

"I thought you two stopped with the fights while at 'work'" They heard Minnie's voice as she approached them on the stage, waving at some people as the popular girl she was.

"Minnie-Unnie, My hero" Shuhua said while the older laughed. "We're struggling a bit to-"

"Ah! I broke my nail!" Soojin whined from under the piano before crawling from under there and smacking Shuhua's hand away from her skirt. "This is your fault!"

"My fault?!" The taiwanese complained. "You're the one who said 'step aside dumbass, I can do it' to me!" Shuhua talked back and Minnie smirked, looking from one girl to another as they bickered.

They're so cute. ' The older thought.

"Maybe I can try" She suggested as she got under the piano while Shuhua cheered for her. "What 's in there anyways?"

"Used to be booze"

"Yeh Shuhua-"

"It's just snacks now, I promise!"

Shuhua looks at Soojin who frowned while the younger smirks and winks at her for no reason.

What "

"You should learn from Minnie-Unnie- Ack !" 

"Soojin" Minnie's voice came from under the piano. "Stop choking Shuhua please" 

"Fine!" She released the younger. "This is what you get-"

"Got it!" Minnie said, interrupting their fight; "And here's the snacks kids" She said, throwing them at Shuhua who smiles.

"I always believed in you, Minnie-Unnie"

"Thanks, unnie."Soojin said before checking her broken nail.

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