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"It's gonna rain," Yuqi said, looking to the sky before looking at Shuhua munching on her marshmallow, her cheeks looking adorable as always and the chinese girl looked away to keep her feelings in check; The three of them were camping with Mr. Yeh, who was now standing by the lake fishing alongside Minnie as the both of them spoke to each other, they got along well and Yuqi could see how that was enough to make Shuhua's eyes shine.

"I'll just finish this and we can go back to the tent" Shuhua replied, chewing. "Are you having fun?" She then asked the other who nodded. 

"Yes, I am," Yuqi replied. "I like being with you"


"I know, I know… I don't mean anything by it. I swear"

It was still awkward between them, Yuqi hated how Shuhua had to measure her actions around her, she doesn't talk about Minnie as much anymore which was good, but any other physical affection they had was now gone, at least for now. 

"Yuqi, you should come fishing with us" Mr. Yeh said once he and Minnie arrived by the campfire, with a bucket filled of fish for them to toast. "It's relaxing" 

Yuqi nodded but with heavy bags under his eyes, she didn't think the man actually knew what relaxing was, everything always felt like a competition of who's the best, Shuhua was the same especially now that she was the team's captain. 

"Maybe tomorrow uncle" The man nodded at her words before placing the bucket next to his tent, covering it with the lid.

"You guys go into your tent until the rain is over" he told them and so they quickly nodded and made their way inside, Shuhua still chewing on her marshmallow.

Yuqi regrets not bringing her own tent, now she has to deal with the awkward tension between her and Shuhua now that they're sharing a tent with Minnie who was still oblivious to everything and could only sigh to herself because she missed her girlfriend and the chinese girl hates the way she can see those sentences hurt her friend.

"I miss Miyeon" The Thai mumbled as she laid down, closing her eyes and missing the way Shuhua frowned.

“Come on,” Yuqi said, trying to ease the mood. “It’s been what? 3 weeks of dating and you’re already this clingy?” She joked and Minnie laughed.

“When you two have a girlfriend you’ll understand me” Minnie said and Shuhua shaked her head.

“No dating for me, I have better things to do” The youngest said and Yuqi looked away, knowing that was just an excuse she came out to avoid admitting she was just waiting for Minnie and Miyeon to break up, as she was so sure it would happen sooner or later; Meanwhile Yuqi would just stay to the side watching her waiting for someone who would never look at her that way. 

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