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Miyeon speed up once she saw Shuhua walking down the hallway buttoning up her school uniform with this frown on her face, probably thinking about all the things she had to do at school that day; The eldest quickly made her way to the taiwanesse and started to walk right next to her, placing her hand on her back gently which had Shuhua looking at her, her frown replaced with confusion and then back to being grumpy once she noticed Miyeon. 


"Can we talk?" She asked as they made their way across the students. "I know you don't have practice today so don't try to escape from me," Half of the seniors from the team had exams that afternoon so practice ended up getting canceled since they didn't have enough people to show up.

"How do you even know my schedule?"


"That traitor" The younger mumbled, annoyed as she let Miyeon hold the back of her jacket and guide her to one of the empty classrooms. "Is this gonna take too long? I still have other stuff to do" She made her way to one of the chairs and sat down while Miyeon did the same, sitting right in front of her. 

"I'm going to ask this once and I want… No, I demand you to be honest with me" Shuhua kept a straight face at those words but her heart started to race like crazy at whatever those words might mean, she had a lot of secrets and sentences like that were enough to make her worried.

"You're not threatening at all" She mocked, trying to ease the odd tension that started to appear between them. "What do you want? I'm not going to buy christmas gifts for your parents with you again so don't-" 

"Are you and Soojin dating?" She asked right away, there was no need to not be direct, people were talking and Miyeon was starting to suspect something was going on between them for a while now, It was all over Soojin's face too. Honey drips from her eyes everytime she looks at Shuhua.  

"What?" It's all Shuhua could ask, there was this feeling of relief that Miyeon wasn't talking about anything that she wanted to hide but also confusion and surprise by her question. "Me and Soojin? Dating? Of course not" 

Miyeon frowned. 

"...That's not how it looks like"

"What do you mean?" 

Miyeon stood up, and Shuhua looked up confused yet again. 

"Why are you acting like that with her then?" The older girl asked, starting to feel annoyed. "If you two are not dating then what's with all the flirting-"

"It's nothing serious, it's just a joke-"

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