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Maybe she had forgotten there was a birthday party waiting for her because she was too focused on how soft Soojin's lips are and her determination to get rid of her strawberry flavoured gloss; Or maybe it was because she had a hard time letting go of the older once she had her wrapped in her arms like she could run away any second from now; Kissing Soojin felt different than kissing the other girls, it made her heart race in her chest, her cheeks burn and her hands sweat against her body not to mention the way the other girl had her arms wrapped around her waist and keeping her just as close as Shuhua was doing, which made the younger's knees shake a little before she moved away again, just enough to take a deep breath and then kiss Soojin one more time which made the older laugh against her lips, not expecting for Shuhua to be this excited with her kisses. 

Shuhua moved away again. "God, Soojin, You're so clingy" She teased and the other smacked her shoulder.

"You're the one who won't let me breath!" Soojin accused. "I-'' Shuhua kissed her again, holding Soojin's face in her hands and pressing their lips together, smiling as the other still was trying to speak. "Seriously-'' She's interrupted by another kiss from the younger.  

"You're so cute, I could just-"

"Hey, you two" Yuqi showed up and they both looked at her, Shuhua was annoyed by another interruption while Soojin just blushed for being caught like this. She doesn't think she'll get used to being affectionate in front of the girls. "You gotta blow out the candles remember" 

"Shove those candles-"

"We're going in a sec" Soojin quickly replied, and Yuqi shakes her head before making her way inside the kitchen again. "Behave" The older then told the taiwanesse who just frowned, grumpy. "We can keep going later" She whispered against her ear. 

"I'll look forward to it then…" 

The kitchen was heavily decorated, more than Shuhua had expected; There's green and white balloons everywhere and the taiwanesse laughs when Minnie mentioned she suggested a "Shuhua’s favorite The Thrasher Green T-Shirt" themed birthday party before Soojin turned her down and just went with just green instead; She also eventually apologized to Hui for thinking he was somehow scheming to steal Soojin from her, as it turned out he just wanted to do something cool for her and befriend Soojin in the process, and the boy seemed very surprise that this is what Shuhua thought he was doing which then in the both of them apologizing to each other and Soojin trying not to laugh at the whole situation.

"You know, I don't think I ever saw this coming" Yuqi tells Shuhua once they're alone in the kitchen, both of them getting more cake for their girlfriends. The Taiwanesse look at her friend with raised eyebrows. "You and Soojin. Odd couple"


"I'm not disapproving. Relax" The older rolled her eyes. "I'm just saying is weird seeing you too being lovey dovey after seeing her trying to shove your face into fried fries once" 

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