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Yeh Shuhua and Seo Soojin never got along since day one, they were too different to work, ironically their closest friends got along and befriended each other very well and so both of them were forced to be near each other almost all the time, even more once two of them started to date. Miyeon still remembers how upset Soojin was when she told her about how she was dating Minnie who was called a traitor by Shuhua as soon as she found out she was going out with Miyeon; The group didn't know what exactly made them hate each other, they just did and eventually they got used to the dynamic of Shuhua saying something, Soojin getting upset cue to fighting. Today was no different, if anything this was a brand new show for new students while everyone else just watched on their seats like it was part of their routine to have the head cheerleader trying to smack the basketball player with her shoes; Of course their friends were trying their best to separate them as Soojin started to get physical, well she tried to, But Shuhua was holding her wrists while they were arguing. 

"Enough! Enough! This is the third time today!" 

"But it's the first time you actually threw a shoe at her" 

"Don't make it sound like an encouragement" 

Both girls were made to sit down by the round table, on opposite sides, and were glaring at each other right away as the other girls sat down with heavy sighs all around while Soojin was putting back her shoes. 

"Is this what having children feels like?" Miyeon complained. "then I don't think I want them- ah!" Minnie slaps her arm. "Of course I want kids, especially with you baby!" She corrected right away. 

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous" Soyeon said "It's time you two start to get along or at least tolerate each other" 



"No! This is getting way out of hand!" She interrupted both who quickly got quiet. "Okay, why don't you tell us why you two dislike each other so much?"

They stare at each other, Soojin frowns as she tries to think back of what made her hate the basketball player in the first place, meanwhile Shuhua looked back at her with the coldest stare ever, it could be intimidating but somehow that just made Soojin just as annoyed as her obnoxious smirk; Yuqi laughs at the stare contest both are having right now.

"You two don't even remember what made you hate each other anymore" She pointed out "At this point you guys are just being petty" 

"Shuhua hates me because my talent intimidates her" Soojin said crossing her arms and the younger actually laughs at that. "It's pretty obvious you know; You can't handle my success" 

"Well then I know why Soojin hates me as well," Shuhua said, also crossing her arms. "She's sexually frustrated"


"Actually I think she's sexually attracted to me, but she doesn't know how to handle that so she gets angry" she turns to the blonde "Don't worry a lot of people think I'm very attractive" 

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