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It was almost 1am when Soojin heard soft knocks at the door so she quickly made her way there, opening it and seeing Shuhua who was caught by surprise when the older held her face and pulled her for a kiss, which the younger was quick to respond, pulling the other closer and kissed her deeply until they needed to breath again.

“You took so long,” Soojin complained. “I thought you wouldn’t come” She said, Kissing Shuhua one more time, the younger was quick to press her against the door frame.

“Sorry, Sorry-" She muttered against her lips. "It was hard to sneak out… Minnie was still awake when you called" She said between kisses. "I came on a bicycle by the way" 

"What-" she then noticed it laying on the grass in front of the stairs, as Shuhua tossed it on the ground in her hurry to get to the door. "I didn't know you had a bicycle… Let's put it in the garage" She said, and the other nodded, going back to grab it as they moved to the garage. 

"Minnie gave it to me on Christmas when I was 16," Shuhua said. "But I never really used it until now" 

"Explains why you look too big for it" Soojin said, giggling as she watched the other carry it inside the garage before they made their way back to the front door, Once inside Soojin locked the door while Shuhua removed her shoes, turning around and seeing the older staring at her.


“Your coat,” Soojin simply said, coming closer and touching the younger’s shoulders. “Last time I saw you wearing it you were so small” She said, remembered Shuhua in that same coat, however it was way too big for her, the memories made her smile as she thinks back of her cute face drinking the hot chocolate she gave her. “It was on christmas”

“Yes, with Yuqi’s iconic olaf costume” They both laughed as they finally made their way inside.

“I remember that, I took pictures,” Soojin said, she would remember very well about how Minnie and Shuhua had forced Yuqi to pose with them and how the chinese girl looked annoyed in all the pictures, but still let the girls hug her and was happy again once Soojin gave her another mug of hot chocolate, paid by Minnie this time. "Now, are you still hungry?" She asked, finally taking the younger's coat off.

"Starving!" Shuhua replied. "I was planning on just eating the frozen pizza on the freezer" 

"Good thing I called you then" Soojin said before kissing her cheek. "Now let's go" She said, guiding her to the kitchen.

Shuhua thinks she could eat Soojin's cooking forever, it always tasted amazing and the fact that the other girl had cooked especially for her just added a special flavor to every bite she took, because it was Soojin's way of showing her affection without words, taking care of her and the younger was thankful of that; She never felt like she was being treated like a child when Soojin asked if she was eating properly or telling her to sleep well, just being taken care of, as something really precious to her that Soojin wants nothing but to see well. 

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