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Yeh Shuhua's ability to be a great actress, not to say a liar , was amazing and for Soojin that might as well be her only outstanding quality so far, But also that made her quite hyper aware of the girl in the following days, She would always caught herself looking at her during lunch together, shared classes as well as other activities; Her words still ringing in her head. 

She was always acting. 

Now she couldn't tell when the girl was being sincere or not, not when she was able to fake being heartbroken over something and to be so convincing that their shared friends were ready to call Soojin out for hurting someone who wasn't even actually hurt. 

Yeh Shuhua was a snake, that's her conclusion about the girl, none of her words and actions are to be trusted.

When she spoke to others, there was a gentle, sweet smile on her lips that had boys and girls blushing where they stood, stumbling on their words when talking to her. Was she really a nice person? Soojin didn't know, but oddly wanted to find out despite never wanting to be closer than necessary with the basketball player; Seeing everyone melt at her honey covered words really made her curious about how truthful those words were.

"Are you reading?" Soyeon asked, sitting next to the blonde at the library.

"Yes" Soojin replied, eyes focused on Shuhua talking with the captain of the volleyball team on another table, she couldn't see the taiwanese's face, but from the way the taller girl she was talking to was blushing and looking at Shuhua like there was nobody else around, it didn't take much to realize the little snake was using her charms.

"Really?" Soyeon said, leaning so she's in front of Soojin "Your book is upside down, dumbass" 


“You were daydreaming,” Soyeon finally said, placing her bag on top of the table and taking her books. “What’s on your mind? You have been doing that a lot nowadays”

Soojin kept on staring as Shuhua stood up, there was this smirk on her lips, the one she hates so much, as she makes her way out of the library, strutting as always.

“Hey!” She heard Soyeon say again, her mind finally catching up to her so she can fully pay attention. “Seriously, what is going on?”

“Nothing, I’m just thinking about this stupid school play” Soojin replied right away. “You know, the one your precious Shuhua forced me to participate”

“You mean your deserving punishment for making her sad?”

“She wasn’t sad at all, I already told you!”

“Sure, Sure”

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