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"So what's this stupid story is about?" Soojin asked to Shuhua who was crouching on the floor, painting the roots of a fake tree for the scenario; Soojin offered to help but after making a mess, Shuhua was quick to snatch the brush out of her hands before telling her to just stand there and be pretty for others to admire. 

Shuhua chuckles. "Romance" She said, then hums, poking her chin with the brush as she thinks harder "with a side of Tragedy, I believe" she adds, gesticulating with the brush, pointing at Soojin with it. The blonde covers her mouth as she notices the bright brown stain on the girl's chin. "What?"

Soojin crouches next to her. "You told me I was an useless mess when I tried to help but look at you" She laughs, pointing at her chin "You managed to paint yourself"

"That means I'm a masterpiece" Shuhua replied right away, using her sleeves to get rid of the stain. 

"Do you always have a narcissistic answer ready to use?"

 "Yes, It's called being confident" 

Soojin smacked her shoulder, it was almost like out of instinct and Shuhua didn't even flinch, she was used to that by now. 

"Ah, Back with the gratuitous violence"

"That was hardly an actual slap" Soojin defended herself "If I wanted to hurt you, you would be in the infirmary right now" 

She notices how Shuhua looks at her, there was this smug smile on her lips that made her frown, hand twitching at the need to smack her again. 

"So you admit it? you never wanted to actually hurt me?" 

"Not enough to get me expelled" Soojin said "I would break your neck any time tho" 

"Tsk tsk. Always showing your love" She said, focusing on her work again. Soojin then decides to change the topic.

"You like acting?" She asks after a few seconds of silence and Shuhua only nods. "Why?" She doesn't know why she was curious all of sudden, maybe it was because the girl was the only person in their group that Soojin somewhat knew, she was too shy to talk to anybody else and so she stayed there next to Shuhua. 

"My mom was an actress" It's her reply, short and simple, eyes still focused on what she was doing, Soojin expected a more elaborate answer but that never came, Shuhua just dipped the brush into the paint and kept on working on that tree.

"And…?" She encouraged the girl to keep going, not wanting the awkward silence to come yet.

"And what?"

"She's an actress-"

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