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The situation was a bit embarrassing for Soojin, having to practice her lines alone while Shuhua was sitting down on a chair and staring at her as she stumbles on her words, having to read about her character's love confession to her beloved when there was only Shuhua in the auditorium with her made the cheerleader nervous and Shuhua didn't helped her by staring at her so intensely with those cold eyes of hers.

Soojin almost forgot she was crying to Minnie just a few minutes ago.

"What I mean is... "Soojin closes her eyes and tries to ignore the heat on her cheeks, taking a deep breath she keeps going. "I love you" She looks at Shuhua's blank stare. "I love you and I love you… Like no one else would"

She finished reading and there's silence, Soojin scratches the back of her neck awkwardly, hating how she put herself in that situation in the first place; She wasn't an actress at all, dancing was her thing and sometimes she wasn't even sure if she was good enough at that either.

"Okay, that was the lamest love confession delivery" Shuhua said, and for the younger's surprise, that didn't get an angry reaction from Soojin but actually she became shy at those words, quieter even and the taiwanesse perked up at that. "You can get better, just try to picture saying it to someone you love" She adds, hoping her words would pull the girl out of her shell, one that Shuhua didn't realize she had. 

You see, As head cheerleader Soojin was very charismatic with her smooth moves when cheering for the teams on game nights, Shuhua saw her at it several times and so the duality between the girl who had a fire in her eyes when dancing and the one being shy about a play was a bit confusing to her; Especially when she was on the receiving end of her fury several times. 

"How do you want me to imagine that?" Soojin wasn't in love with anyone, if anything the closest person she could think of was Hui, but she wasn't in love with the boy, she just thought he was cute; That wasn't enough for her to imagine him when she's delivering a love confession on stage.

Shuhua crosses her arms. "Have you ever been in love?" 

Soojin sighs and decides to be honest. "Not really"

Shuhua took her legs off the chair in front of her and gestures for Soojin to sit, which she did, hands playing with her scripts, usually she stuck with what she knew she was good at, dancing was one of those; The idea of doing anything new without knowing she would do good made the feelings of insecurity and inadequacy grown inside her chest. 

She heard Shuhua's voice speaking to her, But the way she spoke was different from the usual. Softer, her usual honey covered words but this time she wasn't trying to use her charms.

"Falling in love is a warm feeling inside your chest" She explained, her eyes moving around like she tries to think of words to use. "It hurts but in a good way, being around that person makes you happy and sometimes you'll think the day is brighter every time they're around" Soojin didn't miss the way Shuhua's lips almost turned into a smile, she believes the girl was thinking about someone. "Is a feeling of warmth and security and that's the feeling you have to show when saying how much you love your partner" 

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