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The following week was a complete chaos, now that the principal had a reason to care about the school play, they were working really hard on it, and starting from where they left and of course Shuhua being the person she was, didn't hesitate to throw herself into working so hard that outside the practices on the auditorium, Soojin barely saw her and once Minnie told her that she was coming home later than usual the girl knew she had to put a stop on this before she overworked to the point of exhaustion. 

As for Shuhua, it was better to overwork, in a way, kept her productive and active and most important, it kept her from thinking about anything else, or feeling guilty about certain things. It was for the best if she didn't think much, that is until Soojin stormed the auditorium after school was over and grabbed the papers from her hands and threw them on top of the piano, caughting the younger off guard. 


"Let's go home. Now" 

Shuhua opens her mouth to argue but one look from Soojin was enough for her to know there was no point, If the taiwanesse was stubborn, then her girlfriend was just as stubborn as her and once in a while one of them had to give in to what the other wanted, like right now. 

"I was about to leave-"

"No you were not" Soojin replied and Shuhua held back a sigh, knowing that the other was indeed right. She picked up her stuff but before they could leave, she felt Soojin's hands on her shoulder. "Hey… You know I'm just trying to take care of you, right?" The older asked, worrying she might get the other upset.

Shuhua doesn't like being treated like she needs to be protected like a child but she knows Soojin has good intentions and was just looking out for her, yet she can't bring herself to look into her eyes for too long. It made her think again.

"I know… I'm thankful for that" She replied before hugging the older. "I feel like I don't take care of you enough," Shuhua mumbled, which made Soojin laugh before hugging her back. 

"It's fine"

"No, It's not" The younger one replied, holding her tighter and Soojin frowned, she had the feeling this wasn't just about taking care of her.

"Well, to be fair. I don't really give you that many reasons to worry too much about me" The cheerleader said. "You on the other hand, tend to work a bit too much," She said, before giving Shuhua a quick kiss. 

"I worry that if I don't do a good job people will-"

"Shh" Soojin pressed her finger on her lips. "Don't worry about how other people see you. It doesn't matter"

It did. a lot. at least to Shuhua but she would rather not insist on the topic and just nodded, knowing Soojin would be happy with this, then she hugged the older tighter than before and took a deep breath, enjoying her perfume. 

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