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Holding Soojin like this in her arms was warm and comfortable like a blanket on a cold day, If she spent too much time under it she could feel all her worries slipping away from her mind and just focusing on relax, the snowflakes dropping on their shoulders and hair doesn't even seemed to bother them and Shuhua doesn't mind if someone walks by and thinks they're weird for hugging like this, in fact her eyes check the windows of the Seo Household and noticed the lights were off, Soojin's parents were probably still at work and she would spend the night alone once Shuhua left to go back home so a sudden idea popped in her head and she moved away, not totally but just enough to look at the older who also kept her arms around Shuhua and the taiwanesse noticed the shade of red on her cheeks but just assumed it was from the cold.

"Don't go home" 

"Huh?" Soojin was confused by her words and Shuhua held her tighter. "What do you mean?"

"Let's go out," The younger one said, smirking.

"Right now? It's pretty late" She looks back at her house. Not many places are open right now so she doesn't think there's much for them to do, But Shuhua doesn't seem to mind there. "There's nothing left to do"

"We can have our own fun, come on" The taiwanesse encouraged. "Let this be our first act of rebellion" Soojin smiles at her words before looking back at her house again and biting her lips as she considers her options. Her parents wouldn't notice if she wasn't home and she could just say to her sister that it was too late to leave Shuhua's house so she stayed over. It was pretty simple. "Come on, Unnie 

Soojin realizes that every time Shuhua calls her 'Unnie', she managed to convince her quicker to do things she was hesitant to, Like she put a spell in the word that somehow filled Soojin with courage, it was probably why the older grabbed the taiwanesse's hand and dragged her to the garage so they could 'borrow' the car that was parked there, like a runaway couple in a drama. 

"I'll drive!" The younger claimed as she took the keys from Soojin's hand. 

"Are you even old enough to drive?" Soojin asked, already entering the car and laughing at Shuhua's offended face.

"Of course I do! How dare you question my driving skills" She complained once she's behind the wheel and started to drive. "Did you know Yuqi and I took our driving license together?" 

Soojin shakes her head. "No, but Miyeon said you look like a baby when driving"

"See?! This is why Miyeon is my enemy. I'm never giving her a ride again" Shuhua complained as she shook her head which had Soojin laughing. "Now where was I? Ah yeah, Yuqi and I got our licenses together"

"I thought Yuqi was already of age back then," Soojin said, watching as Shuhua made a curve, she had no idea where the two of them were going but was going to trust the younger one for now. 

"Yes she was but Yuqi wanted for us to take our licences together" 

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