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Soojin was kind, polite and gentle.

She was also petty. 

There are things she does specifically to annoy Shuhua, it was fun to see that smug smile of hers vanish once she's annoyed, especially when she knows she's the reason behind her mood shift. 

So that morning wasn't very different as she was walking down the hallway along Soyeon and Miyeon, the latter was already texting her girlfriend; Soojin carried a poster on her hands which quickly catch Soyeon's attention who points at the paper on her hands.

"What is that?" 

"Oh, Nothing. Don't worry about it" Soojin said and that was enough to make Soyeon suspicious. Soojin was in a good mood that morning and isn't like she was the moody type but she also wasn't the type to come everyday to school with such a bright smile on her lips so Soyeon could only assume something happened.

"Did Hui finally ask you out?" She asked, trying to find the source of that happiness but the girl rolled her eyes, still smiling.

"No. Not yet at least" She said. "This has nothing to do with boys, Soyeon"

"Thank god" The smaller girl said "Then why are you so happy?"


"Girls!" Miyeon said "I gotta go see Minnie now"

"We just walked into school can't you go 5 minutes without seeing her?" Soyeon asked, but much to her surprise Soojin's smile was wider.

"I'll go with you, unnie" 

"You… will?" Miyeon asked, confused while Soojin nodded. "Why…?"

"Yeah why?" 

"Do I need a reason to see our friends?" Soojin asked, acting offended and Miyeon frowned.

"You know we're going to see the basketball team right?"


"And Shuhua is there"

"Yes, I know"

"What are you planning to do?" Soyeon finally asked. "I just know is something to annoy her, so spill" 

"Soyeon you think so low of me"

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