Chapter 31

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"I don't know what to do..." I told Mike as he got done cleaning my cuts.

"I don't know either..." I sighed and threw a pillow at Mike, "What was that for!?"

"I don't know... I felt like it." He grabbed a pillow then we got into a pillow fight, Mike was chasing me around the room when there was a knock on the door, "Come in!" I yelled still running from Mike, the door opened and I stopped looking at him, "Now what?"

"I'm not ashamed of you... I never have been and I never will be." He left and I turned to Mike, "Lets go get a pizza!" He said picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder making me laugh, he got to the restraint and picked up our Pizza then walked back up to our room carrying over his shoulder the whole time, "I like this view!" I said and Mike laughed.

"My view is much better!"

"No! Mine is!" I said back at him and he slapped my ass, "I think it's mine."

"Uhh, fine, my ass is better." I replied to him and he laughed as he opened the door and set me down on the bed. He brought me some Pizza and we ate while watching Law&Order:SVU(IM OBSESSED WITH THAT SHOW!). We played RockBand and then fell asleep.

I woke up to singing, "Cause you make me feel like, I've been locked out of heaven" I opened my eyes and saw Mike standing there smiling at me and I smiled back then kissed him before getting up and taking a shower. I came out in a towel and quickly put on my skinny jeans and red shirt with a little black vest and my HighTops, "Vince wants me to be in one of the songs..."

"Yay! Which one!?"

"Your cover of Both Of Us."

"Sweet! Your perfect for it!" He smiled and put his tight blue shirt on.

"Well we better go or we'll be late!" He said and we walked down to his car and drove to the arena to meet Vince, we walked in and saw Vince waiting for us.

"Waz up Vince!" I said which made him laugh and shake his head.

"What am I going to do with you?" We laughed and I held Mikes hand, "Well come on, lets get you in the studio!"

~~~skipping to later that night!!~~~

Me and Mike were in catering eating with Randy, Punk, Dolph, and AJ, me and AJ were talking while the boys were talking when someone threw a pice of bread at my head. I slowly stood up, "What Jackass threw a pice of fuckin bread at me?" I felt hands go over my eyes so I kicked them in the ballz, I turned around and saw Adam, "Oh, hey Adam!" I said and sat down while all the guys looked at me, "What?"

"Dude! You just kicked Adams ballz off and you say 'Oh, hey Adam!', like it was nothing!"

"Well he knows better!"

"But Mike does it all the time to you!?"

"Yea, because I love him Dolph!" I felt a hand go around my waist and slid me over, Mizy Miz! I smiled at him then kissed his cheek, "So lil'Orton, when we gonna hear that album?"

"Umm... In a few month, I have to work on it again tomorrow if you wanna come?"

"I'll have to check my busy schedule, but I'm sure I can squeeze you in..."

"Oh shut up Orton, we both know your coming." He smiled like an idiot, "Yea I'm coming!!!" I laughed a little. We all talked for a little while till it was 10 and most everyone had to go, even Mike, so it was just me and Punk left.

"So shortie," Punk said and I glared at him, "your doing that album?"

"Yes, yes I am!" I said smiling and leaning on him.

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