Jericho did it

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***MEGANS POV!!***

I ran out of me an Johns hotel room. He yelled at me, he was the last person I would ever think would yell at me like that. Where was I going? The Miz, he was like my brother. I knocked on his door and Miz answered and instantly pulled me into a hug, "I heard you and John yelling from all the way over here."

"John found my cigarets!" Miz knew everything I did, even what my real dad did to me but the only thing he didn't know is what Zack saw me do, "What did he do?" He took me to his bed and we sat down, "He screamed at me and told me to get out."

"It's ok honey, it's ok."

"No it's not! He was the last person who I thought would scream at me!"

"I know, but he was just mad and didn't want to believe it."

"I know but all my real dad would do was yell at me and..."

"Shh. Don't say it Megan." I felt even more tears escape my eyes, "Why am I crying," I asked Miz and he looked at me a little confused, "I didn't think I had any tears left to cry." He held me while we sat on his bed, "Do you want to sleep here tonight?"

"Can I?" He looked at me with loving eyes, "I wouldn't want you to sleep any where else." Was he flirting with me? Zack walked in, "Hey guys I'm going to go sleep in Cody's room." Miz nodded, Zack left. Miz looked me in the eyes and whipped my tears, "What to watch some movies?" I nodded my head yes, it was only 5:30 so we had some time to kill till we went to sleep. We watched about 3 movies, it was 9:28 and the Mike, who is The Miz, was already getting tired, "Tired already Mizy Miz?"

"Yea that house show was crazy."

"I wish I could have went with you!"

"Maybe next time?"

"I would love that Mizy Pooh!"

"Mizy Pooh?" I laughed and so did he, he put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into him. Was he flirting again? I mean I'm not that pretty, I'm like 80 pounds and 15, I have dirty blond hair with red strikes, Sea green or Hazel eyes(Yes they change colors!) and a bigger chest then a regular 15 year old. Nothing to special about little me, "Megz?"

"Yea?" He pauses for a second, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, I mean look at me. Nothing to special about me." Miz looked at me, "Nothing special? You are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen, and your strong not just physically but mentally to." I looked at Miz, "I'm not as strong as everyone thinks I'am." He pulled me into his lap and put his head on my shoulder, I didn't want to move, this moment was just perfect. And I'm asleep again.

***MIZ POV!!***

Megan had a hard day, but at least I got to show her how I really feel about her, kinda. I didn't go to sleep for a while after Megan fell asleep, I watched her breath in and out, she felt cold so I moved her under the covers, I made sure when I slept I didn't wake her.


I woke up and Megan was still asleep, I got out of bed and looked at the clock, 7:19, we had till 10 till we had to leave for Florida. I looked at her arms while she slept, the wrist band on her arm without a cast was coming off. I took her arm so carefully, I turned her wrist over and saw scars. How did I not see this coming? After all she has been through but I didn't think she would ever try to hurt herself. I slipped the wrist band back on then hoped in the shower, when I got out Megan was still sleeping, 7:45, I should wake her up, but she is so cute when she sleeps. I walked over to her, "Megz?" She slowly opened her Sea Green eyes, "Mizy?" I smiled, "Yea it's Mizy Pooh." She smiled, I love it when she smiles. "We should get ready to head to Florida."

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