Chapter 23

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***Megz POV!***

I woke up and A.J and Eve were up and holding their heads.

"We may have over done it last night?" I said and looked at the clock, it was 8 at night. We slept the whole day!

"Yea.." A.J and Eve said.

"I'm going to go get my clothes, ill be right back ok."

"K." I got up and walked down the hall when Zack stopped me.

"Zack I have a really bad hangover so please, for me, can you just leave me alone this one time?"

"Listen M, I have got to talk to you." I thought for a minute.


"I'm so sorry about all the crap i've been doing to you, I don't want to but Vince is making me."

"What do you mean Vince is making you?"

"Let's just say he has a 'inappropriate' video of me and a Diva and he said if I don't keep this Heel thing up with you he'll show it to the whole WWEUniverse."

"So you would rather beat me up every week and break my ribs, and then terrify me by kissing me like James did, Zack I thought that you would do the same things James did! Then you beat me with a fucking bat! My ribs are still wrapped!" I lifted my shirt up so he could see.

"No M, I just can't let that video ge..." I cut him off.

"NO ZACK! YOU HURT ME JUST LIKE HE DID! YOU WERE MY BEST FRIEND THEN YOU DID THIS TO ME ZACK! I THOUGHT YOU CARED ABOUT ME BUT YOU DON'T" I unwrapped my ribs exposing black and blue ribs. "YOU DID THIS TO ME! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" Before he could answer I ran off to Johns room which he wasn't in, thank god. I sat on the bed and cried, I couldn't take any of this anymore. I found a knife and cut my wrist deep 4 times, blood was flowing down my wrist as I got up and saw a bottle of pills and I looked through Johns roommates bag and found a Gun. I walked over to the pills and took 5 out and put them in my mouth just as John, Randy, and Edge walked in. I saw John run over to me and open my mouth put it was to late, I swallowed. Then I held the gun to my head, I put my finger on the trigger but John grabbed the gun. I remember Randy, John, and Edge yelling at me before everything. Went black.

I woke up in a hospital, the pills didn't work and the gun was a bust. Everything was foggy but it cleared up, I saw John, Randy, Edge, Mike, A.J, and Zack around me.

"Why am I hear?"

"Megan, you tried to kill yourself." Edge said.

"Why didn't it work!" I yelled.

"Cause John pulled the gun away from you." Randy told me while I turned to my side trying to hide from everyone.

"Why would you do that John! I wanted to die! You saw me swallow the pills then put the gun up to my head! Why didn't you just let me pull the trigger! Why didn't you let me die!" I felt tears run down my face, I saw out of the corner of my eye everyone in tears.

"Cause we all care and love you to much to see you try and kill yourself."

"You don't care about me! If you did you would have never hurt me! I just want to die so I can leave this fucked up life I have! It will just get worse, especially with Zack hurting me! Just watch!" I sat up an looked at my wrist and so did everyone else. "I don't want to talk anymore."

"That's ok, we can later." I saw Zack leave and everyone but John, Randy, and Mike were left after A.J came up to me and hugged me, "I love you sis." After A.J left I looked at the men in my room.

"So M, can you talk to us?"

"Only to John." Randy and Mike nodded.

"We'll be outside, I love you baby girl." Randy said.

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