Back to work

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~~~2 Weeks Later~~~

Today we go back to work, aw... I mean I love doing what I do but me and Mike have been having so much fun just staying home and watching movies and laying in bed all day, I love cuddling with my PoohBear!

"Lets go, Randal says that Alanna has been whining wanting to go see MiMi." John said as we put our stuff on his bus while PoohBear ran on and to his spot on the bus, me and Mike and on the couch while John sat in front of us on the floor.

For the whole bus ride we sat there watching Wilfred until we pulled into a hotel parking lot, we got off and I was greeted with someone jumping in my arms.


"Alanna!" I said hugging her, Mike walked over to me and snaked his arm around my waist while my dad talked to Sam, "Where's Randal?" I asked Sam.

"Right here!" He said walking out from behind a car like a super model.

"Lets hope you grow up to be like mommy." I said to Alanna making Sam and them laugh.

"Uncalled for." Randy said walking into the hotel like a super model.

"Yup, that's my daddy." Alanna said making us all laugh including Randy who turned around and picked her up from my arms, "My daddy a super model." She said making us laugh even harder, we laughed all the way up to our rooms which were right next to eachother. Me and Mike walked in our room and saw AJ and Phil reading comic books on one bed.

"Which one is supposed to be here?" I asked them.

"Me!" AJ said jumping up and hugging me.

"Yay!" I yelled hugging her back.

"MiMi!" I heard Mike yell, I turned around and saw him with Alanna who was holding his hand.

"MiMi!" She yelled and I picked her up.

"Where's the super model?" I asked her.

"Daddy said to go get MiMi and bring her to him!"

"Lets go see the super model!" I said walking out after pecking Mikes lips, I walked to Randy's room and knocked on the door. He opened the door and picked me up then set me down on my feet in the middle of the room, "Hello." I said.

"Hello tiny Cena."

"May I help you?"

"Ok so tomorrow I wanna take Sam to this chick flick she's been wanting to see but I can only do it during the day AND I have interviews before and after the movie sooo... Could you watch Lanna tomorrow? I would take her but I don't really want her like in the public, you know?"

"I would love to watch Lanna!"

"Thanks Randilena, I'll drop her off around 9?"

"Sounds like a plannnnn." I said handing her to Randy.

"Yay! Day with MiMi!" Alanna said excited.

"Night Viper, night Lanna!" I said and kissed both their cheeks then went back to my room, I walked in and sat next to Mike. We stayed up a little late watching superhero movies with Phil and AJ until we fell asleep.

I woke up with Mike cuddling into me making me smile, I kissed him making him smile. I got up and showered then put my shorts and one of Mikes old shirts that I stole from him then tied it in the back so it wasn't so baggy, I put my make up on then walked out and saw AJ awake eating breakfast so I grabbed a bagel and sat next to her while we ate. I got a text from Randy saying he was in the hallway so I grabbed AJ's finger and stuck my bagel on it then walked out, Alanna looked tired when I saw her. Randy passed her to me with her little book bag, "Thanks M, I'll get her at the arena tonight."

John Cena is my Step DadWhere stories live. Discover now