Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Me and Mike got to his locker room and we sat on the couch as Mike listen to me sing and play, "Uh! I can't get the chorus!"

"Let me help." Mike took the guitar and started to play, "I didn't know you could play the guitar?" He smiled and started to play Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars, I started to sing. When the song ended I hugged Mike, "Maybe we can play some other songs so you can get some ideas for the chorus." I nodded my head and started to play some of my favorite song.

"Screw that! Lets work on my other song!"

"Ok Lik'Miz!" I smiled at him, "I'm actually working on another song.

"Let hear it!" I blushed a little.

"I don't know, I wrote it the 2nd day after the who suicide thing, I don't know..." Mike looked at me.

"I don't care what kinda song it is, if you wrote it it has to be good."

"If you say so.." I started plucking the guitar strings then started to sing, "I know it's long gone and that magics not here no more. I might ok but I'm not fine at all. Cause here we are again on that little town street, you almost ran the red cause you were lookin at me. Wind in my hair I was there, I remember it all to well.

Photo album on the counter, your cheeks were turnin red. Used to be a little kid with glasses and a twin sized bed. Your mothers tellin story's about you on the T-Ball team. You taught me bout you past thinking your future was mean.

And I knows it's long gone and there's nothin else I can do. I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to. Cause here we are again in the middle of the night, we dance around the kitchen in the refrigerator light. Down the stairs I was there I remember it all to well.

Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for to much. But this thing was a masterpiece till you tore it all up. Runnin scared I was there I remember it all to well.

Yea you call me up again just to break me like a promise! So causality cruel in the name of bein honest. I'm a crumbled up pice of paper lyin here cause I remember it all, all, all, to well.

Time won't fly its like I'm paralyzed by it, I'd like to be my old self again but I'm still tryin to find her." I stopped cause I didn't want to sing anymore, I looked at Mike who was smiling.

"You never got that kiss did you?" I shook my head no and he put the guitar to my side then pulled me into him and we started making out. We heard the door open, "I heard singing an- WOW! WHAT DID I JUST WALK INTO!?" Mike laughed and I hid my face in Mikes chest cause I knew it was getting red.

"Well you did just walk in here you know!" I said feeling awkward that my dad just saw me making out with my boyfriend.

"Aww is little Megan blushing!" John said making me blush even more.

"Shut up John!" I said as I dug my face even further into Mike.

"Well I'll meet you guys at the hotel so you can stop blushing." Mike and John laughed, I heard John leave but I left my head on Mikes chest.

"He is so embarrassing!"

"At lest we had clothes on!" Mike said which made me start to laugh, I looked at his smiling face.

"Where were we?" Mike asked as we started making out again, he pulled me into his lap. He is such an amazing guy, I love him. We were interrupted once again by knocking at the door, we ignored it but they knocked again so I got up and answered the door to find John smirking evilly at me, "What?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to annoy you!" Mike and John were laughing.

"Well it worked!" I slammed the door in Johns face which only made them laugh even more.

"We leave for Florida tomorrow." I said changing the subject.

"Yup! And we can stay at my house and not a hotel."

"Finally!" I said sitting in his lap again, "Your comfy." I said while snuggling closer to him.

"Thanks! Your not so bad either, you smell like vanilla." I smiled.

"Well I have to admit, you look really hot in that vest and tie." I told Mikey Pooh! He took off his tie and put it on me, I had on a dark purple tight shirt with dark skinny jeans and the Vans Mike got me and now his tie:D!

"I got a tie!" I said and Mike laughed then picked me up and spun me around, when he stopped he put me down, "Come on Tie girl! We got a fight to catch in the morning!" I laughed and we got our stuff and headed to the hotel.

When we got there we got to our door but there was a letter their, I read it aloud, "Hey M, remember when we kissed? I can't get it out of my head. I know that, we should be together. Yea you got Mike but I'm way better and everyone knows it, I don't care what I have to do but I will have you. Love- Punk." No, no, no, no, no! Me and Mike are going strong, we love each other now Punk wants to bre-... Wait a minute, I looked at where 'Punk' put his name, he doesn't write like that? I looked closely at the name and saw the letter Z had been erased, Zack.

"It wasn't Punk it was that dumbass Zack. See he erased his name then put Punks." I showed Mike and he tore the letter up, "I'm getting real tired of him... He can try to break us up but, our love is stronger then that. We have trust on our side and nothing is going to break us." I smiled and hugged him then gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

"You always know what to say." He gave me a kiss back then we walked in and flopped on the bed, Mike was playing with my hair and using it as a mustache, "What are you doing to my hair!?"

"Using it as a mustache." I pulled out my phone and took a picture of him and his 'mustache' and put it on twitter, '@MikeTheMiz is using my hair as a mustache?! What da hell!' Mike laughed when he read it, "Your hair smells like a waterfall."

"Thanks!" My hair was curly and he twisted it around his finger when John came in looking confused, "Where's Mikes mustache?" Mike and I started laughing while John came over and got a pice of my hair for his own mustache, I took a picture of John and Mike on both sides of me with their mustaches, '@JohnCena and @MikeTheMiz are using me as a mustache machine!' I put my phone down and sat there while they were being weird, "Can I have my hair back now?" Mike and John groaned, "Fine then!" John said as he acted like a teenage girl, "You want a mustache? I'll give you a mustache!" I got up and got my eye liner and drew a mustache on Johns face, "There you go! Happy now!" John looked at his 'mustache', "Was that sharpie!"

"No, it's my eye lin-" I stopped cause I didn't grab my eye liner, I grabbed a sharpie. I threw the marker across the room, "It was my eye liner, but maybe you should go wash it off?" Me and Mike were trying not to laugh, John was in the bathroom scrubbing his face for like 10 minutes till he came back out, "It's not coming off!"

"Calm down! I can hide it." I got up and got my make up bag then tried to cover John sharpie mustache the best I could, "There, that's all I could do." It covered most of it but not all of it, John put his head in his pillow, "I'm taking a shower." I said as I grabbed my favorite Spongebob sleeping pants that were at lest 2 sizes to big and a tanktop.

I came out and John went in to take a shower, Mike was looking at me.

"What?" I asked his as I sat in front of him, my back leaned against his stomach and his hands were wrapped around my waist, "I love you."

"I love you to babe." I turned around and wrapped my legs around him while he rubbed my back, he knows how to make me tired. My eyes were getting heavy and Mike could tell even though he couldn't see my eyes, "Tired?" I nodded my head and he laid me down then pulled me close to him, "Love you M."

"Love you to Mizy Miz." He kissed my cheek and I kissed his. Something about tomorrow just didn't feel right, I just hope I'm wrong. But I think I'm right

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