Too Far

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"Where is she Zack!"

"She's safe, for now."

"I swear to god if you lay a finger on her I will kill you Matthew!"

"Don't worry Meg, you'll see her on Monday. You come out to the ring first thing, ALONE. If you accept my circumstances than you get the little angle back."

"Please don't hurt her Matthew." I said on the verge of tears.

"I'll see you Monday." He hung up and I punched a wall.

"I swear to god I'm going to kill him." I said now crying. Alanna was like a little sister to me, you hurt her and I'll kill you.

~~~Next Monday~~~

I paced around in a circle in my office as Randy, Sam, Mike, and John sat in there, "M your gonna make a rut if you keep pacing in that circle." My dad joked.

"I'm nervous... But I swear if he hurt Alanna I'm gonna kick his tiny balls off." I looked at the clock, "I gotta go." I said and walked out with Mike by my side.



"Wow, babe calm down." He said as he stopped me.

"I'm sorry, it's just that... I just want Alanna away from him."

"I know, I do to. Me, John, Randy, and Phil are gonna be right here when you come back. And if Zack try's ANYTHING, we are gonna run out their and beat his ass."

"No, I need to do this alone. I love you."

"I love you to." I kissed him then had the play my theme song which I changed to Remedy by Seether, I walked down to the ring and grabbed a mic then sat up on a turnbuckle. Zacks music hit and he walked to the ring with Kane by his side and Alanna squirming in Kane's arms. They got in the ring and Alanna kept trying to get away from Kane, "MIMI!" She yelled.

"Shut up!" Zack yelled at her.

"Don't yell at her!"

"You shut up to!" I got down from the turnbuckle and stood close to Zack trying to get to Alanna but he blocked me, "Now, the circumstances." He smirked.

"What, I'll do anything! Just give me Alanna!"

"Anything?" He said with a evil smirk, "Well, you be MY girlfriend at WrestleMania."

"...Fine." He smirked and Kane let Alanna go, and she ran into my arms.

"MiMi, I'm scared!"

"It's ok Lanna, MiMi's here." I got us out of the ring and made our way up the ramp, when we got backstage she was still latched tight around me. When I tried to give her to Randy she freaked out, "Lanna, don't you wanna go with daddy?"

"Don't leave me MiMi." I held her tighter, I looked at Randy and nodded to my office. Me, Sam, Mike, and Randy all walked to my office, I sat in my big chair with Alanna in my arms while Mike sat on my desk and Randy and Sam sat on the couch.

"What happened Lanna?" I asked her.

"They took me from mommy and daddy. They tied me up and put tape over my mouth, they yelled at me..."

"Is that it?"

"Zack hit me once." I felt my blood boil and my heart dropped, I don't want her hurt.

The rest of raw we just sat in my office, when it was done me, Alanna, Sam, and Randy went back on his bus. Mike stopped me before I got on, he quickly kissed me, "Love you baby." He said.

John Cena is my Step DadWhere stories live. Discover now