Match with Zack

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I walked down the ramp so mad, why you asked? I have no idea.

"Get me a mic!" I yelled and paced around the ring and they handed me a mic.

"I.Want.Zack.NOW!" I waited a second and saw him walk out with no music, "What?"

"I want a match, with you." He looked surprised.

"You want a match? With ME?"

"DIDN'T I JUST SAY THAT JACKASS!" The crowd was screaming their heads off, I heard his music go off so we both turned and looked at him, "I see we have a problem here?" The crowd cheered, "Then lets settle this, at the Elimination Chamber. Megan, Zack, Chris, Jack, and Randy." I smirked.

"Lets do it." I said and they all were shocked.

"It's on bitch." Zack said dropping the mic, I dropped mine to and walked backstage.

"M! ARE YOU CRAZY!" I turned around and saw Phil and my dad walking up to me.


"Megan, what were you thinking!"

"Guys! Shut up! This is my decision ok!" They sighed and Mike walked up to me, "Are you sure you wanna do this?"


"...Ok, lets start training." I smiled and left John and Phil standing there.

"Thanks for not trying to talk me out of it."

"I'll admit, I really want to but, this isn't my choice. It's yours. And I know you can do it." He smiled down at me and kissed me.

"I don't care if I don't win, I just want to hurt Zack." I evilly smirked.

"Oh no, promise me don't be like Randy and hear voice when you do."

"I promise nothing." Mike rolled his eyes and kissed me then walked into the training room.

***Elimination Chamber***

I was standing backstage with Mike, Randy, Phil, AJ, and my dad.

"You'll do great M! And if Zack hurts you I will seriously go insane on him." AJ told me an hugged me then skipped away.

"You'll be fine lil'Punker, trust me." Phil left.

"I'm about to go on so listen, stay away from me. And do not get slammed on the metal part, I'm sorry if I get you out but I gotta do what I gotta do. Love you Megz." Randy hugged me then kissed my head and walked out.

"Don't get hurt, I love you M." John said and hugged me tight. Now it's just me and Mike, he took my hands and put his forehead onto mine, "If you get hurt I want you to get out, I don't want you hurt."

"I know you don't but I have to do this Mikey. I know I'm not gonna win but I have to get Zack out." He kissed me.

"I know you have to."

"I love you Mike."

"I love you to Megan." He kissed me one more time then my music hit, I skipped down the ramp slapping hands then skipping around the ring once. I got into my pod and watched as the rest got in the ring, I kept eyeing Zack whenever a new pod would open. It was me and Jack left in pods and Chris did then unthinkable, he got the count out on Randy... Jacks pod opened and I banged on mine, man why am I last! I looked around and saw Chris hit the codebreaker on Jack and got the 3 count. My pod opened and I jumped on the top rope then did a drop kick on Zack but he countered and kicked me in the shoulder, I slowly got up and slapped him. He ran up to me so I tripped him an laughed, he got up but I saw Chris on top rope. He jumped off so I RKO'ed him, I got the 3 count. Now it's just me and Zack, he held his hand out so I took it and flipped him getting the crowd to cheer. He got up but I kicked him down and did the 5 Knuckle Shuffle on him, he slowly stood up an I did The Skull Crushing Finally. I rolled him over and got to the 2 count, I pulled him to the center of the ring and locked in The Walls Of Jericho. I locked them in tighter and he taped. I just won... I stood up and the ref held my hand up and the crowd went nuts, AJ ran down the ramp and attacked me in a hug with Mike, John, and Randy following. They all squished me in a huge hug, "I knew you could do it!" Mike said spinning me around, we walked up the ramp hand in hand and John and Randy next to me with AJ skipping up the ramp. Once we were backstage I was attacked with hugs, "Your squishing me!" I said and they let go.

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