Tattoo's and Driving

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After SmackDown Mike decided we should go get Tattoos, why you might ask? I wanted 2. We walked into a Tattoo shop with Randy cause since I'm not 18 I need 'parental connect' so Randy pretended to be my 'legal guardian'. I went into the little room without my boys cause I wanted it to be a surprise.

"You know what you want?"

"Yea." I showed him and he rolled my sleeves up and stared, he looked at me, "These must have a lot of meaning?" He asked ask he started.

"Yea, they do."

When he was done he wrapped my wrists up then gave me this like ointment stuff to put on my tattoos, I walked out and saw Randy had gotten another tattoo and Mike was sitting there being sexy and awesome. There eyes went straight to my wrists, "I wanted a tattoo..." I said they smiled and we walked out then grabbed some pizza then headed back to the bus, we walked on and John was sitting with Nikki, "Hey guys, where have you-" He stopped when he saw my wrists, "M did you..."

"No dad." I unwrapped them and showed them my tattoos, it's said Stay Strong. Stay was on the left one and Strong was on the right on, it was done in really pretty cursive writing, "Did it hurt?" Randy asked.

"No... And that was a stupid question." I said giving him a small smile.

"Yea, it kinda was..." Mike said as I made my way to my room with Mike right behind me, once I shut the door he wrapped his arms around me from behind and put his chin on my shoulder. He held my hands and kissed my neck, "I love you." I told him and leaned back in his chest.

"I love you to." He held my wrists so he could read it, "I love them... Did it actually hurt?"

"Not really, it felt good..." I looked up at him, "Is that bad?"

"No, it's not." He kissed my forehead and laid us down on the bed, he started playing with my hair, "I was thinking about dying it back to blond?"

"I like it Black!"

"Alright Mr.BossyPants!"

"HEY GUYS WERE DITCHING THE BUS SO GET YOUR STUFF AND MEET ME IN THE CAR IN 5 MINUTES!" John yelled so we packed then got in the car. It was me, Mike, and Randy in the back with John driving and Phil in the passenger seat holding PoohBear. John plugged my IPod in and Stay by Rihanna came on so I started to sing.

"All along it was a fever

A cold sweat hot-headed believer

I threw my hands in the air and said, "Show me something,"

He said, "If you dare come a little closer."

Round and around and around and around we go

Oh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know

Not really sure how to feel about it.

Something in the way you move

Makes me feel like I can't live without you.

It takes me all the way.

I want you to stay

It's not much of a life you're living

It's not just something you take - it's given

Round and around and around and around we go

Oh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know

Not really sure how to feel about it.

Something in the way you move

Makes me feel like I can't live without you.

It takes me all the way.

I want you to stay.

Ooh the reason I hold on

Ooh cause I need this hole gone

Funny you're the broken one but I'm the only one who needed saving

Cause when you never see the light it's hard to know which one of us is caving

Not really sure how to feel about it.

Something in the way you move

Makes me feel like I can't live without you.

It takes me all the way.

I want you to stay, stay.

I want you to stay, oh." When I was done I had my head on Mikes shoulder and he held my hand while Randy was asleep and had his head on my other shoulder, "I love it when you sing." John and Phil said. I smiled and put on Just Give Me a Reason by Pink and Fun. A few more songs played until I started falling asleep, as for Phil and Mike... I literally sung then to sleep. "M?"

"Yea dad?"

"Will you sing Stay again?"

"Sure." He put it on and I closed my eyes and pulled Mike a little closer then sang, after I finished I fell asleep with that song playing through my head.

When I woke up Randy was driving and John was asleep and leaning on me a little, Mike and Phil were still asleep and the sun was just starting to rise.

"Morning Megz."

"Morning Viper... Where are we driving to?"

"California, we have a whole day left."


"I heard you signing last night, it sounded beautiful."

"Thanks Randy." I said blushing. I felt Mike pulled me closer then put his head ontop of mine, he rubbed his thumb lightly over my wrist while I relaxed in his arms. I put one arm around his shoulders and ran my nails over his chest, "You guys should let me drive." I said and John and Phil sat up, "NOOOOO!"

"What! Why!"

"You drive like a crazy person!"

"Oh come on! Please!!!"

"Get up here kid." Randy said as he pulled over. I tried to get up but Mike wouldn't let me go, "Mike?"


"I need to get up."

"Noooo..." I kissed him then he let go, Randy got in the back. Phil tightened his seatbelt and shield PoohBear and so did John, I rolled my eyes then turned the car on and started driving.

"I don't know why you guys are over reacting!" I said.

"Dude, she's going the speed limit!" Phil said to John.

"And she's not swerving everywhere!"

"Oh, you mean like this?" I sped up and started swerving making them scream, "Calm you balls!" I yelled then drove like a normal person, I turned the radio up and Stay came on. I sang along with Randy and Phil, were so weird but we make it work! Pooh jumped in my lap and barked, "Many I help you?" I said petting him. He barked again so I pulled over, I opened the door and he jumped out then peed. I picked him up then gave him to John but he growled and walked over Randy's lap then sat in Mikes lap. I started driving again until Phil started whining, "Megannnn."



"ME TO!" John yelled.

"ME ALSO!" Randy yelled.

"Uhhhh, shut up." Mike said covering his ear making me laugh.

"Fine, I'll get you guys some food." I got them food and me and John switched spots so he drove and I sat with Mike and Randy. I wrapped my arms around Mike and he put his arm around me, Phil put in Hinder CD. I kissed Mikes cheek the put my head on his shoulder and he put his head on mine. I was to fall asleep when my phone vibrated, it was a text from Vince 'Hello Megan, we would like to interview you for our bullying program on the affects that bullying can have on someone. I understand if you don't want to talk about it.' I text him back saying 'It's ok Vince, I'd be more than happy to. People need to know what bullying can do to a person.' 'Great we'll do it tomorrow.' I said ok then fell asleep.

Just a little chapter but the next one will be AMAZING!!! Comment!!!

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