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They came the next morning.

Two men, both armed with menacing, heavy-looking rifles: ones that were almost as tall as Izuku himself.

Their faces were of pure stone, one with a sharp, scarlet gaze, the other with a chilling, neon-yellow one. Their hair was almost similar to their eye colour, with one spiked out like shards of glass, most of the other's tied back. Upon inspection, Izuku could tell that they were well fed and trained, with bright, blemish-free skin, detergent-scented clothing and muscles that poked out through their white cotton tops, the shape of their waists blocked out by the unzipped black leather jackets.

They were extremely well-built, and extremely intimidating, but worse of all was that distinct musk coming specifically from the taller redhead, who seemed much buffer and stronger than the sunflower-blonde.


Izuku struggles to breathe. He knew it was an Alpha, and every fibre in his body was desperate to flee. Was he the notorious leader of the mafia he'd been sold to? Was he the notorious, ruthless and young mafia leader of Japan? Izuku had figured as such, since he'd known that no other mafia in Musutafu, or even the entirety of Japan, who could afford to give Inko that much cash in one go.

Besides, his instinct told him as such from the overpowering Alpha stench stretching across their street.

In unison, the two pairs of eyes narrow down onto the trembling Omega, his filthy, hessian 'outfit' making a cruel comparison to their stainless, pristine tops and pants.

The neighbours and local people around them stare in fear. Sure, there were intimidating alphas in the area, but none where nearly as powerful as the sole assertion of dominance radiating from the one in front of him.

"Here's the other half, Midoriya."

His voice was strong; confident; dominant. The complete opposite of Izuku. Vibrations buzz through the ground, and the Omega could practically feel the silence cast around them - pure fear.

With quick and polished movements, the blonde thrusts out a case, secreting a scent that was too polluted by the Alpha's one for Izuku to identify. He could only assume he was also an Alpha, with biceps as big as his own thighs - or what was left of the baby fat and muscle that was still there.

He'd already felt the sickening of his stomach at the sight of the case. The case filled with amble sums of dirty money. He felt so betrayed, how easily he was given up by his greedy, heartless gambling-addictive mother. But, at the same time, this was what he deserved - if only he were born differently. He could only wish well for his mother, who now had enough money to live wealthily and buy a house and have enough food to last her for a lifetime. No worries about trying to choose between the carcasses of vegetables and stale scraps of bread - hell, she could afford good quality meat! And enough matchsticks to fight off the freezing winters.

The blonde's arm retracts, full attention now on Izuku. From everyone around him, who'd always known that the Omega was nothing but trouble. Despite that, some cast him pitiful looks.

"You." The scarlet-eyed Alpha almost barks, and Izuku flinches, trying to edge further away from him, "Come."

Izuku was too scared to disobey, moving up to his shaking feet and looking up to the towering Alphas looking down on him. If he hadn't known better, he would've thought that they'd come here to snap him in half.

The two cast each other a glance before nodding once, the blonde tearing away first to make his way out of the crammed street that smelt of nothing but alcohol and piss. The redhead casts Izuku another look before turning his head, striding with footsteps double the length of Izuku's. He had to be fast on his feet to keep up with them.

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