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He was thrown onto a bed - the Alpha's bed. It reeked of him, his limbs feeling heavier than normal. He's trying to move - he knows he's in trouble. He doesn't want to stay in that room. Damn it he can't breathe! He's scanning for an exit and trying not to look at the Alpha and be lost in the midst of his own panic and-

"Would you stop fucking struggling?!"

That made Izuku stop. But he ensures to glare at Bakugo. He hates him so much that the pit at the bottom of his stomach felt like actual fire consuming his insides. He hopes Bakugo knew he hates him, especially with the low rumbles vibrating out from his mouth.

"Why the fuck do you have to be so annoying?!" Bakugo groans, and Izuku takes this as a victory, a sly smile making its way to his lips.

"B-Because I hate you," he attempts to sneer, and he knows, at that point, that Bakugo knew the fear in his voice was merely instincts - only the most determined could say shit through the dominating pheromones succumbing them. A part of Bakugo found the Omega more intriguing to mess with, which stops him from pushing his pheromones to full throttle.

Bakugo wrestles the Omega down to the bed, pinning his wrists above his head and fixing his lower legs down to the mattress with the pressure of his knees. This causes discomfort to Izuku, and he tries lifting his hips up and down to try and make the bed bounce, hence giving him a chance to escape. This seems to amuse the Alpha.

"Keep at it like that and you'll find my dick up your pussy!"

That definitely made Izuku freeze, his surroundings now equivalent to the winter outside.

He thought he was going to be sick.

He didn't want to imagine it, but was already fantasising being filled up by a dick. Damn him and his Omega! Now he could feel something warm like soup pooling in his stomach, the pheromones acting like aphrodisiac to encourage it. A change in the Alpha's scent that gave off more hormonal activity and those lustful crimson orbs that sugar-glaze the Omega over and over again caused Izuku's trepidation to increase as he tries to anticipate what was going to happen.

"When I get off of you, Omega, I want you to strip. Got it?!"

Izuku wasn't given a chance to respond. The Alpha gets off of him and waits expectantly, the Omega only just finding his footing to get up. Then, as quickly as his unhealthily-skinny body would let him, he darts for the door.

Only to find it locked. Of course it was locked! The Alpha liked his private time to remain private!

Was there really any possible way out?

He chances a look at the locked window, deciding against jumping out when he realises how high the window was from the ground. The other rooms seemed to be locked as well. For fucks sake, he didn't want to get naked in front of another Alpha so unwillingly! What was worse was it was only a matter of time before Bakugo urges him on.

'Think, Izuku, think!'

He couldn't find any obvious places where a key might be kept. Nor anything to help him break down the windows. The odour of the Alpha was not helping. He couldn't stall for any longer.

"Hurry up, Omega! It's either you strip now or I take those clothes off myself!"

Instinctively, his eyes are on the Alpha. There's a change in atmosphere - something that curls under his skin, raking up his back like nails, causing him to shiver. He obeys as if he were in a pit of vipers, slowly uncovering each inch of his skin with caution. But his eyes were on Bakugo, emeralds ablaze with loathing against the actions he was making. But he didn't have a choice - he wouldn't dare have his dignity devoured as viciously as the Alpha would've stripped away his clothing.

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