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Something had changed after that encounter. It seemed that whatever feelings the two harboured towards each other had multiplied, their attachment tenfold. They think they're being subtle with the staring and little smiles, but they really aren't. It's kind of gross for the others around them.

However, things were changing for everyone. The process of moving forward, after the war, paying respects to the dead and accepting that all those valiant soldiers weren't coming back.

It was a normal morning, and Izuku was a little lighter on his feet. His smile was brighter than ever and his joints felt as fluid as pudding. A strange analogy, but that was the kind of mood he was in. The giddy one that makes you giggle at birds as they fly by.

He was drunk on his own feelings.

Maybe this is what it's like to like someone.


This is what it's like to be in love.

He loves Katsuki!

He never thought he'd ever get to a point where he could so ardently and proudly admit that, but he knows it's true and he'd scream it to the entire universe if he could.

And if he had enough confidence.

Izuku never had the luxury of falling in love. Perhaps admiration, or arousal upon seeing a particularly fitting Alpha, but it has never been like this. It's all new to him. A very nerve-wracking but pleasant experience. It gave him a strange fire, or like adrenaline that made his blood run faster and his fingers quiver with excitement.

Since nothing in particular was happening today, Izuku had switched to an oversized flannel top with black jeans that were as close to skinny-fit as they could get. He had to cut the ends off so he didn't constantly trip over them.

There was a knock at his door, and in came Tsu, an adorable smile spread across her face and her cheeks a little pink as she stepped inside, craning her neck to show-

Izuku gasps.

"No..!" he exclaims, eyeing the very prominent, red mark circling her scent glance, along with a series of love bites. "Who is it!" he demands, sitting upright and glaring at the flustered and happy Omega.

"S-Secret ~ kero!" Tsu replies craftily, and Izuku couldn't possibly interrogate. Not when she was so happy!

Izuku has been asking Tsu for lessons on how to maintain his hair and wash properly. It has only been recently when he'd asked for make-up lessons, since a part of his still remained in the dance hall, holding onto the sturdy frame of the Alpha of his dreams as those crimson eyes and that tender voice caress him with awe and admiration. It had to be the make-up, despite that it did cover his freckles. He'd be sure to keep those visible, just for his Alpha.

He clumsily manages to use lipstick, deciding to leave the foundation out, and asks Tsu to do his eyes. She even brushes out his hair as a bonus, leaving it extra fluffy and bouncy. Though he hated that it was still a mess, it did... suit him. Make his eyes appear a little brighter than usual.

Darn it, Katsuki's being an influence to him again!

Whilst getting his hair done, however, Izuku continues to stare at that bite mark. He certainly had love bites of his own, but never quite what Tsu had. A large, prominent Alpha mark. Showing to any other that Tsu was taken, and was bonded infinitely to her mate. It's exhilarating to think about, and Izuku can't help but want his own.

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