The Follow-Up

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The morning was crisp, the next day. The warm sun peaks through the windows, illuminating the grey walls and velvet overhangs that drape around the large bed. The bedsheets smelt as freshly-changed as always, crinkling and releasing heat as the Omega wrapped in them stirs awake.

His muscles were spasming - that was a start. They twitched and sparked uncomfortable pinches of pain, like the cramps of an exercise which gives that unpleasant ache that makes you never want to wake up or have to leave the bed. He releases a quiet whine through a yawn, tears prickling at the corners of his squinted eyes, and he tries to check which part of his body hurt the most. As of now, he could feel no sorts of pain coming from his hole, but couldn't fail to notice how it tingled. Maybe even ached? But, either way, he knew it was the Alpha's doing, and his instincts reacting to it.

And he could confirm that the events of the day before was not some wet dream, judging by the oversensitive pain coming from his cocklet.

He didn't want to go back to that incident. By God, he tried to think of literally anything else! But he was restless, and he couldn't help being drawn to the leader. He hated to admit that he had a praise kink - he hadn't even known that existed until yesterday! And he wishes that he'd regret everything that had just happened because the thought of that Alpha touching him in intimate places not even he himself has touched before made his skin crawl but he simply couldn't! He enjoyed it, and nothing that he could force himself to believe could change that.

Which is why he had to be extra cautious.

Bakugo was a manipulative dick. He could've dominated Izuku with his pheromones enough to control him into believing that what he'd felt was true bliss. He could've done so many unimaginable things to Izuku that night that could've ruined him and abused his already tarnished pride.

But his neck remained absent of any mark.

He wasn't even scented by the Alpha.

And his hole didn't feel in severe pain whatsoever.

Maybe, perhaps, Bakugo wasn't such a bad guy after a-

'NO!' Izuku scowls to himself, 'That's exactly what he wants you to think!'

And he probably did. That Alpha was still responsible for the suffering of thousands of families who are dying on the streets, and other Omegas out there, much like himself and Ochako, who are being abused and killed due to their secondary gender alone! There are children being fucking raped by drug addicts, and psychos who murder in public! Izuku has been exposed to it all, and some nights he couldn't physically go to sleep, PSTD playing memories like movies in his head, remembering the splattering of crimson across the dirty concrete, or the screams of a child seemingly no older that 9 being dragged away, muffled by the hand of a much older and stronger Alpha who reeked of weed, the other witnesses pretending not to have noticed a thing.

Although Izuku did, and he didn't know why he was still alive and not abused beyond repair but he hated seeing everyone else around him, regardless of gender or status, being hurt or abused or killed or taken away.

And he blames it on Bakugo. All Bakugo. The one who caused this nightmare in the first place, bathing in his own riches and turning a blind eye on the famine before him. He blamed so much on the Alpha and saw no way in forgiving him, even if he'd suddenly given up all his riches to help them all, because he was the one who had caused such prolonged periods of suffering and poverty! He was to blame, and Izuku couldn't be told otherwise.

A knock sounds at the door.

Izuku sits up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

It couldn't be Tsu. She was much more gentle. It was too quiet to be a servant knocking. His senses were too exhausted to determine who's scent it belonged to, so he hoped that it was Todoro-

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